13. tr (Translate)

Lesson Content

The tr (translate) command allows you to translate a set of characters into another set of characters. Let’s try an example of translating all lower case characters to uppercase characters.

$ tr a-z A-Z

As you can see we made the ranges of a-z into A-Z and all text we type that is lowercase gets uppercased.


Try the following command what happens?

$ tr -d ello

Quiz Question

# What command is used to translate characters? > The tr command is a Linux command-line utility that translates or deletes characters from standard input (stdin) and writes the result to standard output (stdout). Use tr to perform different text transformations, including case conversion, squeezing or deleting characters, and basic text replacement. 1. [ ] change 2. [ ] translate 3. [ ] convert 4. [x] tr