2. System V Service

Lesson Content

There are many command line tools you can use to manage Sys V services.

List services

$ service --status-all

Start a service

$ sudo service networking start

Stop a service

$ sudo service networking stop

Restart a service

$ sudo service networking restart

These commands aren’t specific to Sys V init systems, you can use these commands to manage Upstart services as well. Since Linux is trying to move away from the more traditional Sys V init scripts, there are still things in place to help that transition.


Manage a couple of services and change their states, what do you observe?

Quiz Question

# What is the command to stop a service named peanut with Sys V? > Unix System V (pronounced: "System Five") is one of the first commercial versions of the Unix operating system. It was originally developed by AT&T and first released in 1983. Four major versions of System V were released, numbered 1, 2, 3, and 4. System V Release 4 (SVR4) was commercially the most successful version, being the result of an effort, marketed as Unix System Unification, which solicited the collaboration of the major Unix vendors. It was the source of several common commercial Unix features. System V is sometimes abbreviated to SysV. 1. [ ] sudo unmount peanut 2. [ ] sudo unload module peanut 3. [ ] sudo stop service peanut 4. [x] sudo service peanut stop