2. Journeyman

  • Devices - Learn about Linux devices and how they interact with the kernel and user space.

  • The Filesystem - Learn about the Linux filesystem, the different types of filesystems, partitioning and more.

  • Boot the System - Learn about the stages of the Linux boot process.

  • Kernel - The most important part of the Linux system, learn about how it works and how to configure it.

  • Init - Learn about the different init systems, SysV, Upstart and systemd.

  • Process Utilization - Learn resource monitoring with top, load averages, iostat and more!

  • Logging - Learn about system logs and the /var/log directory.

This is Second unit, it is aimed to make you much more fimiliar with linux environment. So let’s continue to Learn Linux…

Subsections of 2. Journeyman

Chapter 1

1. Devices

Learn about Linux devices and how they interact with the kernel and user space.

Subsections of 1. Devices

1. /dev Directory

Lesson Content

When you connect a device to your machine, it generally needs a device driver to function properly. You can interact with device drivers through device files or device nodes, these are special files that look like regular files. Since these device files are just like regular files, you can use programs such as ls, cat, etc to interact with them. These device files are generally stored in the /dev directory. Go ahead and ls the /dev directory on your system, you’ll see a large amount of devices files that are on your system.

$ ls /dev 

Some of these devices you’ve already used and interacted with such as /dev/null. Remember when we send output to /dev/null, the kernel knows that this device takes all of our input and just discards it, so nothing gets returned.

In the old days, if you wanted to add a device to your system, you’d add the device file in /dev and then probably forget about it. Well repeat that a couple of times and you can see where there was a problem. The /dev directory would get cluttered with static device files of devices that you’ve long since upgraded, stopped using, etc. Devices are also assigned device files in the order that the kernel finds them. So if everytime you rebooted your system, the devices could have different device files depending on when they were discovered.

Thankfully we no longer use that method, now we have something that we use to dynamically add and remove devices that are currently being used on the system and we’ll be discussing this in the coming lessons.


Check out the contents of the /dev directory, do you recognize any familiar devices?

Quiz Question

# Where are device files stored on the system? > Device files are located in the directory /dev on nearly all Unix-like systems. Each device on the system should have a corresponding entry in /dev. For example, /dev/ttyS0 corresponds to the first serial port, known as COM1 under MS-DOS; /dev/hda2 corresponds to the second partition on the first IDE drive. 1. [ ] /root 2. [ ] /mount 3. [ ] /sde 4. [x] /dev

2. Device Types

Lesson Content

Before we chat about how devices are managed, let’s actually take a look at some devices.

$ ls -l /dev
brw-rw----   1 root disk      8,   0 Dec 20 20:13 sda
crw-rw-rw-   1 root root      1,   3 Dec 20 20:13 null
srw-rw-rw-   1 root root           0 Dec 20 20:13 log
prw-r--r--   1 root root           0 Dec 20 20:13 fdata

The columns are as follows from left to right:

  • Permissions
  • Owner
  • Group
  • Major Device Number
  • Minor Device Number
  • Timestamp
  • Device Name

Remember in the ls command you can see the type of file with the first bit on each line. Device files are denoted as the following:

  • c - character
  • b - block
  • p - pipe
  • s - socket

Character Device

These devices transfer data, but one a character at a time. You’ll see a lot of pseudo devices (/dev/null) as character devices, these devices aren’t really physically connected to the machine, but they allow the operating system greater functionality.

Block Device

These devices transfer data, but in large fixed-sized blocks. You’ll most commonly see devices that utilize data blocks as block devices, such as harddrives, filesystems, etc.

Pipe Device

Named pipes allow two or more processes to communicate with each other, these are similar to character devices, but instead of having output sent to a device, it’s sent to another process.

Socket Device

Socket devices facilitate communication between processes, similar to pipe devices but they can communicate with many processes at once.

Device Characterization

Devices are characterized using two numbers, major device number and minor device number. You can see these numbers in the above ls example, they are separated by a comma. For example, let’s say a device had the device numbers: 8, 0:

The major device number represents the device driver that is used, in this case 8, which is often the major number for sd block devices. The minor number tells the kernel which unique device it is in this driver class, in this case 0 is used to represent the first device (a).


Look at your /dev directory and find out what types of devices you can see.

Quiz Question

# What is the symbol for character devices in the ls -l command? > ls -l. The -l option signifies the long list format. This shows a lot more information presented to the user than the standard command. You will see the file permissions, the number of links, owner name, owner group, file size, time of last modification, and the file or directory name. 1. [ ] s 2. [ ] a 3. [ ] x 4. [x] c

3. Device Names

Lesson Content

Here are the most common device names that you will encounter:

SCSI Devices

If you have any sort of mass storage on your machine, chances are it is using the SCSI (pronounced “scuzzy”) protocol. SCSI stands for Small Computer System Interface, it is a protocol used for allow communication between disks, printers, scanners and other peripherals to your system. You may have heard of SCSI devices which aren’t actually in use in modern systems, however our Linux systems correspond SCSI disks with hard disk drives in /dev. They are represented by a prefix of sd (SCSI disk):

Common SCSI device files:

  • /dev/sda - First hard disk
  • /dev/sdb - Second hard disk
  • /dev/sda3 - Third partition on the first hard disk

Pseudo Devices

As we discussed earlier, pseudo devices aren’t really physically connected to your system, most common pseudo devices are character devices:

  • /dev/zero - accepts and discards all input, produces a continuous stream of NULL (zero value) bytes
  • /dev/null - accepts and discards all input, produces no output
  • /dev/random - produces random numbers

PATA Devices

Sometimes in older systems you may see hard drives being referred to with an hd prefix:

  • /dev/hda - First hard disk
  • /dev/hdd2 - Second partition on 4th hard disk


Write to the pseudo devices and see what happens, be careful not to write your disks to those devices!

Quiz Question

# What would commonly be the device name for the first partition on the second SCSI disk? > Small Computer System Interface (SCSI), For connection, SCSI hard drives use a small computer system interface – which is a standard for connecting peripheral devices such as printers, scanners, and others. Best of all, they allow the connection of peripheral devices such as printers, scanners, and other hard drives. 1. [ ] sdc1 2. [ ] sde1 3. [ ] sdb2 4. [x] sdb1

4. sysfs

Lesson Content

Sysfs was created long ago to better manage devices on our system that the /dev directory failed to do. Sysfs is a virtual filesystem, most often mounted to the /sys directory. It gives us more detailed information than what we would be able to see in the /dev directory. Both directories /sys and /dev seem to be very similar and they are in some regards, but they do have major differences. Basically, the /dev directory is simple, it allows other programs to access devices themselves, while the /sys filesystem is used to view information and manage the device.

The /sys filesystem basically contains all the information for all devices on your system, such as the manufacturer and model, where the device is plugged in, the state of the device, the hierarchy of devices and more. The files you see here aren’t device nodes, so you don’t really interact with devices from the /sys directory, rather you are managing devices.

Take a look at the contents of the /sys directory:

pete@icebox:~$ ls /sys/block/sda
alignment_offset  discard_alignment  holders   removable  sda6       trace
bdi               events             inflight  ro         size       uevent
capability        events_async       power     sda1       slaves
dev               events_poll_msecs  queue     sda2       stat
device            ext_range          range     sda5       subsystem


Check out the contents of the /sys directory and see what files are located in there.

Quiz Question

# What directory is used to view detailed information on devices? > Sysfs is used by several utilities to access information about hardware and its driver (kernel modules) such as udev or HAL. Scripts have been written to access information previously obtained via procfs, and some scripts configure device drivers and devices via their attributes. 1. [ ] /root 2. [ ] /proc 3. [ ] /dev 4. [x] /sys

5. udev

Lesson Content

Back in the old days and actually today if you really wanted to, you would create device nodes using a command such as:

$ mknod /dev/sdb1 b 8 3

This command will make a device node /dev/sdb1 and it will make it a block device (b) with a major number of 8 and a minor number of 3.

To remove a device, you would simply rm the device file in the /dev directory.

Luckily, we really don’t need to do this anymore because of udev. The udev system dynamically creates and removes device files for us depending on whether or not they are connected. There is a udevd daemon that is running on the system and it listens for messages from the kernel about devices connected to the system. Udevd will parse that information and it will match the data with the rules that are specified in /etc/udev/rules.d, depending on those rules it will most likely create device nodes and symbolic links for the devices. You can write your own udev rules, but that is a little out of scope for this lesson. Fortunately, your system already comes with lots of udev rules so you may never need to write your own.

You can also view the udev database and sysfs using the udevadm command. This tool is very useful, but sometimes can get very convoluted, a simple command to view information for a device would be:

$ udevadm info --query=all --name=/dev/sda


Run the udevadm command given and check out the input.

Quiz Question

# What dynamically adds and removes devices? > - The kernel can add or remove almost any device in a running system. Changes in the device state (whether a device is plugged in or removed) need to be propagated to user space. > - udev is a generic device manager running as a daemon on a Linux system and listening (via a netlink socket) to uevents the kernel sends out if a new device is initialized or a device is removed from the system. 1. [ ] root 2. [ ] systemd 3. [ ] sysfs 4. [x] udev

6. lsusb, lspci, lsscsi

Lesson Content

Just like we would use the ls command to list files and directories, we can use similar tools that list information about devices.

Listing USB Devices

$ lsusb 

Listing PCI Devices

$ lspci 

Listing SCSI Devices

$ lsscsi 


Try out each of these commands and see the output you receive.

Quiz Question

# What command can be used to view usb devices? > The lsusb command, also known as the “List USB” command, is used in Linux to list all the USB devices attached to the system. The lsusb command simply lists the connected devices and does not provide further information about the usb devices. For more information about the attached USB devices use the dmesg command. 1. [ ] lssci 2. [ ] lspci 3. [x] lsusb

7. dd

Lesson Content

The dd tool is super useful for converting and copying data. It reads input from a file or data stream and writes it to a file or data stream.

Consider the following command:

$ dd if=/home/pete/backup.img of=/dev/sdb bs=1024 

This command is copying the contents of backup.img to /dev/sdb. It will copy the data in blocks of 1024 bytes until there is no more data to be copied.

  • if=file - Input file, read from a file instead of standard input
  • of=file - Output file, write to a file instead of standard output
  • bs=bytes - Block size, it reads and writes this many bytes of data at a time. You can use different size metrics by denoting the size with a k for kilobyte, m for megabyte, etc, so 1024 bytes is 1k
  • count=number - Number of blocks to copy.

You will see some dd commands that use the count option, usually with dd if you want to copy a file that is 1 megabyte, you’ll usually want to see that file as 1 megabyte when it’s done being copied. Let’s say you run the following command:

$ dd if=/home/pete/backup.img of=/dev/sdb bs=1M count=2

Our backup.img file is 10M, however, we are saying in this command to copy over 1M 2 times, so only 2M is being copied, leaving our copied data incomplete. Count can come in handy in many situations, but if you are just copying over data, you can pretty much omit count and even bs for that matter. If you really want to optimize your data transfers, then you’ll want to start using those options.

dd is extremely powerful, you can use it to make backups of anything, including whole disk drives, restoring disks images, and more. Be careful, that powerful tool can come at a price if you aren’t sure what you are doing.


Use the dd command to make a backup of your drive and set the output to a .img file.

Quiz Question

# What is the dd option for block size? > The dd command reports on the number of blocks it reads and writes. The number after the + is a count of the partial blocks that were copied. The default block size is 512 bytes. 1. [ ] ss 2. [ ] as 3. [ ] xs 4. [x] bs
Chapter 2

2. Filesystem

Learn about the Linux filesystem, the different types of filesystems, partitioning and more.

Subsections of 2. Filesystem

1. Filesystem Hierarchy

Lesson Content

At this point, you’re probably well familiar with the directory structure of your system, if not you will be soon. Filesystems can vary with how they are structured, but for the most part they should conform to the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard.

Go ahead and do an ls -l / to see the directories listed under the root directory, yours may look different than mine, but the directories should for the most part look like the following:

  • / - The root directory of the entire filesystem hierarchy, everything is nestled under this directory.
  • /bin - Essential ready-to-run programs (binaries), includes the most basic commands such as ls and cp.
  • /boot - Contains kernel boot loader files.
  • /dev - Device files.
  • /etc - Core system configuration directory, should hold only configuration files and not any binaries.
  • /home - Personal directories for users, holds your documents, files, settings, etc.
  • /lib - Holds library files that binaries can use.
  • /media - Used as an attachment point for removable media like USB drives.
  • /mnt - Temporarily mounted filesystems.
  • /opt - Optional application software packages.
  • /proc - Information about currently running processes.
  • /root - The root user’s home directory.
  • /run - Information about the running system since the last boot.
  • /sbin - Contains essential system binaries, usually can only be ran by root.
  • /srv - Site-specific data which are served by the system.
  • /tmp - Storage for temporary files
  • /usr - This is unfortunately named, most often it does not contain user files in the sense of a home folder. This is meant for user installed software and utilities, however that is not to say you can’t add personal directories in there. Inside this directory are sub-directories for /usr/bin, /usr/local, etc.
  • /var - Variable directory, it’s used for system logging, user tracking, caches, etc. Basically anything that is subject to change all the time.


Look inside your /usr directory, what kind of information is located there?

Quiz Question

# What directory is used to store logs? > Linux has a special directory for storing logs called **/var/log** . This directory contains logs from the OS itself, services, and various applications running on the system. 1. [ ] /dev 2. [ ] /mount 3. [ ] /sde 4. [x] /var 5. [ ] /logs

2. Filesystem Types

Lesson Content

There are many different filesystem implementations available. Some are faster than others, some support larger capacity storage and others only work on smaller capacity storage. Different filesystems have different ways of organizing their data and we’ll go into detail about what types of filesystems there are. Since there are so many different implementations available, applications need a way to deal with the different operations. So there is something called the Virtual File System (VFS) abstraction layer. It is a layer between applications and the different filesystem types, so no matter what filesystem you have, your applications will be able to work with it.

You can have many filesystem on your disks, depending on how they are partitioned and we will go through that in a coming lesson.


Journaling comes by default on most filesystem types, but just in case it doesn’t, you should know what it does. Let’s say you’re copying a large file and all of a sudden you lose power. Well if you are on a non-journaled filesystem, the file would end up corrupted and your filesystem would be inconsistent and then when you boot back up, your system would perform a filesystem check to make sure everything is ok. However, the repairs could take awhile depending on how large your filesystem was.

Now if you were on a journaled system, before your machine even begins to copy the file, it will write what you’re going to be doing in a log file (journal). Now when you actually copy the file, once it completes, the journal marks that task as complete. The filesystem is always in a consistent state because of this, so it will know exactly where you left off if your machine shutdown suddenly. This also decreases the boot time because instead of checking the entire filesystem it just looks at your journal.

Common Desktop Filesystem Types

  • ext4 - This is the most current version of the native Linux filesystems. It is compatible with the older ext2 and ext3 versions. It supports disk volumes up to 1 exabyte and file sizes up to 16 terabytes and much more. It is the standard choice for Linux filesystems.
  • Btrfs - “Better or Butter FS” it is a new filesystem for Linux that comes with snapshots, incremental backups, performance increase and much more. It is widely available, but not quite stable and compatible yet.
  • XFS - High performance journaling file system, great for a system with large files such as a media server.
  • NTFS and FAT - Windows filesystems
  • HFS+ - Macintosh filesystem

Check out what filesystems are on your machine:

pete@icebox:~$ df -T
Filesystem     Type     1K-blocks    Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda1      ext4       6461592 2402708   3707604  40% /
udev           devtmpfs    501356       4    501352   1% /dev
tmpfs          tmpfs       102544    1068    101476   2% /run
/dev/sda6      xfs       13752320  460112  13292208   4% /home

The df command reports file system disk space usage and other details about your disk, we will talk more about this tool later.


Do a little bit of research online on the other filesystem types: ReiserFS, ZFS, JFS and others you can find.

Quiz Question

# What is the common Linux filesystem type? > There are three major Linux filesystems: ext2, ext3, and ext4. 1. [ ] FAT 2. [ ] NTFS 3. [ ] HFS+ 4. [x] ext4

3. Anatomy of a Disk

Lesson Content

Hard disks can be subdivided into partitions, essentially making multiple block devices. Recall such examples as, /dev/sda1 and /dev/sda2, /dev/sda is the whole disk, but /dev/sda1 is the first partition on that disk. Partitions are extremely useful for separating data and if you need a certain filesystem, you can easily create a partition instead of making the entire disk one filesystem type.

Partition Table

Every disk will have a partition table, this table tells the system how the disk is partitioned. This table tells you where partitions begin and end, which partitions are bootable, what sectors of the disk are allocated to what partition, etc. There are two main partition table schemes used, Master Boot Record (MBR) and GUID Partition Table (GPT).


Disks are comprised of partitions that help us organize our data. You can have multiple partitions on a disk and they can’t overlap each other. If there is space that is not allocated to a partition, then it is known as free space. The types of partitions depend on your partition table. Inside a partition, you can have a filesystem or dedicate a partition to other things like swap (we’ll get to that soon).


  • Traditional partition table, was used as the standard
  • Can have primary, extended, and logical partitions
  • MBR has a limit of four primary partitions
  • Additional partitions can be made by making a primary partition into an extended partition (there can only be one extended partition on a disk). Then inside the extended partition you add logical partitions. The logical partitions are used just like any other partition. Silly I know.
  • Supports disks up to 2 terabytes


  • GUID Partition Table (GPT) is becoming the new standard for disk partitioning
  • Has only one type of partition and you can make many of them
  • Each partition has a globally unique ID (GUID)
  • Used mostly in conjunction with UEFI based booting (we’ll get into details in another course)

Filesystem Structure

We know from our previous lesson that a filesystem is an organized collection of files and directories. In its simplest form, it is comprised of a database to manage files and the actual files themselves, however we’re going to go into a little more detail.

  • Boot block - This is located in the first few sectors of the filesystem, and it’s not really used the by the filesystem. Rather, it contains information used to boot the operating system. Only one boot block is needed by the operating system. If you have multiple partitions, they will have boot blocks, but many of them are unused.
  • Super block - This is a single block that comes after the boot block, and it contains information about the filesystem, such as the size of the inode table, size of the logical blocks and the size of the filesystem.
  • Inode table - Think of this as the database that manages our files (we have a whole lesson on inodes, so don’t worry). Each file or directory has a unique entry in the inode table and it has various information about the file.
  • Data blocks - This is the actual data for the files and directories.

Let’s take a look at the different partition tables. Below is an example of a partition using the MBR partitioning table (msdos). You can see the primary, extended and logical partitions on the machine.

pete@icebox:~$ sudo parted -l
Model: Seagate (scsi)
Disk /dev/sda: 21.5GB
Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
Partition Table: msdos

Number  Start   End     Size    Type      File system     Flags
 1      1049kB  6860MB  6859MB  primary   ext4            boot
 2      6861MB  21.5GB  14.6GB  extended
 5      6861MB  7380MB  519MB   logical   linux-swap(v1)
 6      7381MB  21.5GB  14.1GB  logical   xfs

This example is GPT, using just a unique ID for the partitions.

Model: Thumb Drive (scsi)
Disk /dev/sdb: 4041MB
Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
Partition Table: gpt

Number  Start   End     Size     File system  Name        Flags
 1      17.4kB  1000MB  1000MB                first
 2      1000MB  4040MB  3040MB                second


Run parted -l on your machine and evaluate your results.

Quiz Question

# What partition type is used to create more than 4 partitions in the MBR partitioning scheme? > An extended partition is a special partition that can be divided into additional partitions that are called logical partitions. An extended partition cannot store files. An extended partition does not receive a partition ID. You can include as many logical partitions as your disk can hold. 1. [ ] logical 2. [ ] primary 3. [ ] large 4. [x] extended

4. Disk Partitioning

Lesson Content

Let’s do some practical stuff with filesytems by working through the process on a USB drive. If you don’t have one, no worries, you can still follow along these next couple of lessons.

First we’ll need to partition our disk. There are many tools available to do this:

  • fdisk - basic command-line partitioning tool, it does not support GPT
  • parted - this is a command line tool that supports both MBR and GPT partitioning
  • gparted - this is the GUI version of parted
  • gdisk - fdisk, but it does not support MBR only GPT

Let’s use parted to do our partitioning. Let’s say I connect the USB device and we see the device name is /dev/sdb2.

Launch parted

$ sudo parted

You’ll be entered in the parted tool, here you can run commands to partition your device.

Select the device

select /dev/sdb2

To select the device you’ll be working with, select it by its device name.

View current partition table

(parted) print                                                            
Model: Seagate (scsi)
Disk /dev/sda: 21.5GB
Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
Partition Table: msdos

Number  Start   End     Size    Type      File system     Flags
 1      1049kB  6860MB  6859MB  primary   ext4            boot
 2      6861MB  21.5GB  14.6GB  extended
 5      6861MB  7380MB  519MB   logical   linux-swap(v1)
 6      7381MB  21.5GB  14.1GB  logical   xfs

Here you will see the available partitions on the device. The start and end points are where the partitions take up space on the hard drive, you’ll want to find a good start and end location for your partitions.

Partition the device

mkpart primary 123 4567

Now just choose a start and end point and make the partition, you’ll need to specify the type of partition depending on what table you used.

Resize a partition

You can also resize a partition if you don’t have any space.

resize 2 1245 3456

Select the partition number and then the start and end points of where you want to resize it to.

Parted is a very powerful tool and you should be careful when partitioning your disks.


Partition a USB drive with half of the drive as ext4 and the other half as free space.

Quiz Question

# What is the parted command to make a partition? > parted is a disk partitioning and partition resizing program. It allows you to create, destroy, resize, move and copy ext2, ext3, linux-swap, FAT, FAT32, and reiserfs partitions. It can create, resize and move Macintosh HFS partitions, as well as detect jfs, ntfs, ufs, and xfs partitions. 1. [ ] parted 2. [ ] fstab 3. [x] mkpart

5. Creating Filesystems

Lesson Content

Now that you’ve actually partitioned a disk, let’s create a filesystem!

$ sudo mkfs -t ext4 /dev/sdb2

Simple as that! The mkfs (make filesystem) tool allows us to specify the type of filesystem we want and where we want it. You’ll only want to create a filesystem on a newly partitioned disk or if you are repartitioning an old one. You’ll most likely leave your filesystem in a corrupted state if you try to create one on top of an existing one.


Make an ext4 filesystem on the USB drive.

Quiz Question

# What command is used to create a filesystem? > A Linux File system is an integrated aggregation of files on a disk drive or partition. The command you should use to create Linux file systems on a particular location, that is, hard-disk or a device. 1. [ ] gpart 2. [ ] parted 3. [ ] fstab 4. [x] mkfs

6. mount and umount

Lesson Content

Before you can view the contents of your filesystem, you will have to mount it. To do that I’ll need the device location, the filesystem type and a mount point, the mount point is a directory on the system where the filesystem is going to be attached. So we basically want to mount our device to a mount point.

First create the mount point, in our case mkdir /mydrive

$ sudo mount -t ext4 /dev/sdb2 /mydrive

Simple as that! Now when we go to /mydrive we can see our filesystem contents, the -t specifies the type of filesystem, then we have the device location, then the mount point.

To unmount a device from a mount point:

$ sudo umount /mydrive 
$ sudo umount /dev/sdb2

Remember that the kernel names devices in the order it finds them. What if our device name changes for some reason after we mount it? Well fortunately, you can use a device’s universally unique ID (UUID) instead of a name.

To view the UUIDS on your system for block devices:

pete@icebox:~$ sudo blkid
/dev/sda1: UUID="130b882f-7d79-436d-a096-1e594c92bb76" TYPE="ext4" 
/dev/sda5: UUID="22c3d34b-467e-467c-b44d-f03803c2c526" TYPE="swap" 
/dev/sda6: UUID="78d203a0-7c18-49bd-9e07-54f44cdb5726" TYPE="xfs" 

We can see our device names, their corresponding filesystem types and their UUIDs. Now when we want to mount something, we can use:

$ sudo mount UUID=130b882f-7d79-436d-a096-1e594c92bb76 /mydrive

Most of the time you won’t need to mount devices via their UUIDs, it’s much easier to use the device name and often times the operating system will know to mount common devices like USB drives. If you need to automatically mount a filesystem at startup though like if you added a secondary hard drive, you’ll want to use the UUID and we’ll go over that in the next lesson.


Look at the manpage for mount and umount and see what other options you can use.

Quiz Question

# What command is used to attach a filesystem? > A mount point is a directory to which the mounted file system is attached. Mount the file system by using the mount command. 1. [ ] attach 2. [ ] add 3. [ ] unmount 4. [x] mount

7. /etc/fstab

Lesson Content

When we want to automatically mount filesystems at startup we can add them to a file called /etc/fstab (pronounced “eff es tab” not “eff stab”) short for filesystem table. This file contains a permanent list of filesystems that are mounted.

pete@icebox:~$ cat /etc/fstab
UUID=130b882f-7d79-436d-a096-1e594c92bb76 /               ext4    relatime,errors=remount-ro 0       1
UUID=78d203a0-7c18-49bd-9e07-54f44cdb5726 /home           xfs     relatime        0       2
UUID=22c3d34b-467e-467c-b44d-f03803c2c526 none            swap    sw              0       0

Each line represents one filesystem, the fields are:

  • UUID - Device identifier
  • Mount point - Directory the filesystem is mounted to
  • Filesystem type
  • Options - other mount options, see manpage for more details
  • Dump - used by the dump utility to decide when to make a backup, you should just default to 0
  • Pass - Used by fsck to decide what order filesystems should be checked, if the value is 0, it will not be checked

To add an entry, just directly modify the /etc/fstab file using the entry syntax above. Be careful when modifying this file, you could potentially make your life a little harder if you mess up.


Add the USB drive we’ve been working on as an entry in /etc/fstab, when you reboot you should still see it mounted.

Quiz Question

# What file is used to define how filesystems should be mounted? > The /etc/filesystems file is used to define mounts to be automatic at system initialization. The mount command is used to mount after system startup. 1. [ ] /root 2. [ ] /mount 3. [ ] /dev 4. [x] /etc/fstab

8. swap

Lesson Content

In our previous example, I showed you how to see your partition table, let’s revisit that example, more specifically this line:

Number  Start   End     Size    Type      File system     Flags
 5      6861MB  7380MB  519MB   logical   linux-swap(v1)

What is this swap partition? Well swap is what we used to allocate virtual memory to our system. If you are low on memory, the system uses this partition to “swap” pieces of memory of idle processes to the disk, so you’re not bogged for memory.

Using a partition for swap space

Let’s say we wanted to set our partition of /dev/sdb2 to be used for swap space.

  1. First make sure we don’t have anything on the partition
  2. Run: mkswap /dev/sdb2 to initialize swap areas
  3. Run: swapon /dev/sdb2 this will enable the swap device
  4. If you want the swap partition to persist on bootup, you need to add an entry to the /etc/fstab file. sw is the filesystem type that you’ll use.
  5. To remove swap: swapoff /dev/sdb2

Generally you should allocate about twice as much swap space as you have memory. But modern systems today are usually pretty powerful enough and have enough RAM as it is.


Partition the free space in the USB drive for swap space.

Quiz Question

# What is the command to enable swap space on a device? > You need to use the ```dd``` command to create swap file. The ```mkswap``` command is used to set up a Linux swap area on a device or in a file. 1. [ ] swap 2. [ ] onswap 3. [ ] enableswap 4. [x] swapon

9. Disk Usage

Lesson Content

There are a few tools you can used to see the utilization of your disks:

pete@icebox:~$ df -h
Filesystem     1K-blocks    Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda1       6.2G  2.3G  3.6G  40% /

The df command shows you the utilization of your currently mounted filesystems. The -h flag gives you a human readable format. You can see what the device is, and how much capacity is used and available.

Let’s say your disk is getting full and you want to know what files or directories are taking up that space, for that you can use the du command.

$ du -h

This shows you the disk usage of the current directory you are in, you can take a peek at the root directory with du -h / but that can get a little cluttered.

Both of these commands are so similar in syntax it can be hard to remember which one to use, to check how much of your disk is free use df. To check disk usage, use du.


Look at your disk usage and free space with both du and df.

Quiz Question

# What command is use to show how much space is free on your disk? > That command is ```df -H```. The -H switch is for human-readable format. The output of df -H will report how much space is used, available, percentage used, and the mount point of every disk attached to your system 1. [ ] showspace 2. [ ] showfree 3. [ ] fd 4. [x] df

10. Filesystem Repair

Lesson Content

Sometimes our filesystem isn’t always in the best condition, if we have a sudden shutdown, our data can become corrupt. It’s up to the system to try to get us back in a working state (although we sure can try ourselves).

The fsck (filesystem check) command is used to check the consistency of a filesystem and can even try to repair it for us. Usually when you boot up a disk, fsck will run before your disk is mounted to make sure everything is ok. Sometimes though, your disk is so bad that you’ll need to manually do this. However, be sure to do this while you are in a rescue disk or somewhere where you can access your filesystem without it being mounted.

$ sudo fsck /dev/sda


Look at the manpage for fsck to see what else it can do.

Quiz Question

# What command is used to check the integrity of a filesystem? > Use the fsck command to check and interactively repair inconsistent file systems. It is important to run this command on every file system as part of system initialization. 1. [ ] dd 2. [ ] filesystemrepair 3. [ ] fsrepair 4. [x] fsck

11. Inodes

Lesson Content

Remember how our filesystem is comprised of all our actual files and a database that manages these files? The database is known as the inode table.

What is an inode?

An inode (index node) is an entry in this table and there is one for every file. It describes everything about the file, such as:

  • File type - regular file, directory, character device, etc
  • Owner
  • Group
  • Access permissions
  • Timestamps - mtime (time of last file modification), ctime (time of last attribute change), atime (time of last access)
  • Number of hardlinks to the file
  • Size of the file
  • Number of blocks allocated to the file
  • Pointers to the data blocks of the file - most important!

Basically inodes store everything about the file, except the filename and the file itself!

When are inodes created?

When a filesystem is created, space for inodes is allocated as well. There are algorithms that take place to determine how much inode space you need depending on the volume of the disk and more. You’ve probably at some point in your life seen errors for out of disk space issues. Well the same can occur for inodes as well (although less common), you can run out of inodes and therefore be unable to create more files. Remember data storage depends on both the data and the database (inodes).

To see how many inodes are left on your system, use the command df -i Inode information

Inodes are identified by numbers, when a file gets created it is assigned an inode number, the number is assigned in sequential order. However, you may sometimes notice when you create a new file, it gets an inode number that is lower than others, this is because once inodes are deleted, they can be reused by other files. To view inode numbers run ls -li:

pete@icebox:~$ ls -li
140 drwxr-xr-x 2 pete pete 6 Jan 20 20:13 Desktop
141 drwxr-xr-x 2 pete pete 6 Jan 20 20:01 Documents

The first field in this command lists the inode number.

You can also see detailed information about a file with stat, it tells you information about the inode as well.

pete@icebox:~$ stat ~/Desktop/
  File: ‘/home/pete/Desktop/’
  Size: 6               Blocks: 0          IO Block: 4096   directory
Device: 806h/2054d      Inode: 140         Links: 2
Access: (0755/drwxr-xr-x)  Uid: ( 1000/   pete)   Gid: ( 1000/   pete)
Access: 2016-01-20 20:13:50.647435982 -0800
Modify: 2016-01-20 20:13:06.191675843 -0800
Change: 2016-01-20 20:13:06.191675843 -0800
 Birth: -

How do inodes locate files?

We know our data is out there on the disk somewhere, unfortunately it probably wasn’t stored sequentially, so we have to use inodes. Inodes point to the actual data blocks of your files. In a typical filesystem (not all work the same), each inode contains 15 pointers, the first 12 pointers point directly to the data blocks. The 13th pointer, points to a block containing pointers to more blocks, the 14th pointer points to another nested block of pointers, and the 15th pointer points yet again to another block of pointers! Confusing, I know! The reason this is done this way is to keep the inode structure the same for every inode, but be able to reference files of different sizes. If you had a small file, you could find it quicker with the first 12 direct pointers, larger files can be found with the nests of pointers. Either way the structure of the inode is the same.


Observe some inode numbers for different files, which ones are usually created first?

Quiz Question

# How do you see how many inodes are left on your system? > - You can check the number of inodes in a filesystem using the df command with the -i option > - The inode count is equal to the count of all files and directories in the user account. This includes everything on your account, emails, files, folders and anything you store on the server, for example, each new file or directory add a 1 to the total inode count. 1. [ ] df -inode 2. [ ] df inode 3. [ ] inode -i 4. [x] df -i

12. symlinks

Lesson Content

Let’s use a previous example of inode information:

pete@icebox:~$ ls -li
140 drwxr-xr-x 2 pete pete 6 Jan 20 20:13 Desktop
141 drwxr-xr-x 2 pete pete 6 Jan 20 20:01 Documents

You may have noticed that we’ve been glossing over the third field in the ls command, that field is the link count. The link count is the total number of hard links a file has, well that doesn’t mean anything to you right now. So let’s discuss links first.


In the Windows operating system, there are things known as shortcuts, shortcuts are just aliases to other files. If you do something to the original file, you could potentially break the shortcut. In Linux, the equivalent of shortcuts are symbolic links (or soft links or symlinks). Symlinks allow us to link to another file by its filename. Another type of links found in Linux are hardlinks, these are actually another file with a link to an inode. Let’s see what I mean in practice starting with symlinks.

pete@icebox:~/Desktop$ echo 'myfile' > myfile
pete@icebox:~/Desktop$ echo 'myfile2' > myfile2
pete@icebox:~/Desktop$ echo 'myfile3' > myfile3

pete@icebox:~/Desktop$ ln -s myfile myfilelink
pete@icebox:~/Desktop$ ls -li
total 12
  151 -rw-rw-r-- 1 pete pete 7 Jan 21 21:36 myfile
93401 -rw-rw-r-- 1 pete pete 8 Jan 21 21:36 myfile2
93402 -rw-rw-r-- 1 pete pete 8 Jan 21 21:36 myfile3
93403 lrwxrwxrwx 1 pete pete 6 Jan 21 21:39 myfilelink -> myfile

You can see that I’ve made a symbolic link named myfilelink that points to myfile. Symbolic links are denoted by ->. Notice how I got a new inode number though, symlinks are just files that point to filenames. When you modify a symlink, the file also gets modified. Inode numbers are unique to filesystems, you can’t have two of the same inode number in a single filesystem, meaning you can’t reference a file in a different filesystem by its inode number. However, if you use symlinks they do not use inode numbers, they use filenames, so they can be referenced across different filesystems.


Let’s see an example of a hardlink:

pete@icebox:~/Desktop$ ln myfile2 myhardlink
pete@icebox:~/Desktop$ ls -li
total 16
  151 -rw-rw-r-- 1 pete pete 7 Jan 21 21:36 myfile
93401 -rw-rw-r-- 2 pete pete 8 Jan 21 21:36 myfile2
93402 -rw-rw-r-- 1 pete pete 8 Jan 21 21:36 myfile3
93403 lrwxrwxrwx 1 pete pete 6 Jan 21 21:39 myfilelink -> myfile
93401 -rw-rw-r-- 2 pete pete 8 Jan 21 21:36 myhardlink

A hardlink just creates another file with a link to the same inode. So if I modified the contents of myfile2 or myhardlink, the change would be seen on both, but if I deleted myfile2, the file would still be accessible through myhardlink. Here is where our link count in the ls command comes into play. The link count is the number of hardlinks that an inode has, when you remove a file, it will decrease that link count. The inode only gets deleted when all hardlinks to the inode have been deleted. When you create a file, it’s link count is 1 because it is the only file that is pointing to that inode. Unlike symlinks, hardlinks do not span filesystems because inodes are unique to the filesystem.

Creating a symlink

$ ln -s myfile mylink

To create a symbolic link, you use the ln command with -s for symbolic and you specific a target file and then a link name.

Creating a hardlink

$ ln somefile somelink

Similar to a symlink creation, except this time you leave out the -s.


Play around with making symlinks and hardlinks, delete a couple and see what happens.

Quiz Question

# What is the command used to make a symlink? > You can create a symlink (symbolic) by using the ln command in the command line. Symbolic links are useful because they act as shortcuts to a file or directory. 1. [ ] sym -link 2. [ ] ls 3. [ ] ln 4. [x] ln -s
Chapter 3

3. Boot The System

Learn about the stages of the Linux boot process.

Subsections of 3. Boot The System

1. Boot Process Overview

Lesson Content

Now that we’ve gotten a pretty good grasp at some of the important components of Linux, let’s piece them altogether by learning about how the system boots. When you turn on your machine, it does some neat things like show you the logo screen, run through some different messages and then at the end you’re prompted with a login window. Well there is actually a ton of stuff happening between when you push the power button to when you login and we’ll discuss those in this course.

The Linux boot process can be broken down in 4 simple stages:


The BIOS (stands for “Basic Input/Output System”) initializes the hardware and makes sure with a Power-on self test (POST) that all the hardware is good to go. The main job of the BIOS is to load up the bootloader.

2. Bootloader

The bootloader loads the kernel into memory and then starts the kernel with a set of kernel parameters. One of the most common bootloaders is GRUB, which is a universal Linux standard.

3. Kernel

When the kernel is loaded, it immediately initializes devices and memory. The main job of the kernel is to load up the init process.

4. Init

Remember the init process is the first process that gets started, init starts and stops essential service process on the system. There are three major implementations of init in Linux distributions. We will go over them briefly and then dive into them in another course.

There it is, the (very) simple explanation of the Linux boot process. We will go into more detail about these stages in the next lessons.


Reboot your system and see if you can spot each step as your machine boots up.

Quiz Question

# What is the last stage in the Linux boot process? > Once the kernel has extracted itself, it loads systemd, which is the replacement for the old SysV init program, and turns control over to it. This is the end of the boot process. 1. [ ] exec 2. [ ] start 3. [ ] boot 4. [x] init

2. Boot Process: BIOS

Lesson Content


The first step in the Linux boot process is the BIOS which performs system integrity checks. The BIOS is a firmware that comes most common in IBM PC compatible computers, the dominant type of computers out there today. You’ve probably used the BIOS firmware to change the boot order of your harddisks, check system time, your machine’s mac address, etc. The BIOS’s main goal is to find the system bootloader.

So once the BIOS boots up the hard drive, it searches for the boot block to figure out how to boot up the system. Depending on how you partition your disk, it will look to the master boot record (MBR) or GPT. The MBR is located in the first sector of the hard drive, the first 512 bytes. The MBR contains the code to load another program somewhere on the disk, this program in turn actually loads up our bootloader.

Now if you partitioned your disk with GPT, the location of the bootloader changes a bit.


There is another way to boot up your system instead of using BIOS and that is with UEFI (stands for “Unified extensible firmware interface”). UEFI was designed to be successor to BIOS, most hardware out there today comes with UEFI firmware built in. Macintosh machines have been using EFI booting for years now and Windows has mostly moved all of their stuff over to UEFI booting. The GPT format was intended for use with EFI. You don’t necessarily need EFI if you are booting a GPT disk. The first sector of a GPT disk is reserved for a “protective MBR” to make it possible to boot a BIOS-based machine.

UEFI stores all the information about startup in an .efi file. This file is stored on a special partition called EFI system partition on the hardware. Inside this partition it will contain the bootloader. UEFI comes with many improvements from the traditional BIOS firmware. However, since we are using Linux, the majority of us are using BIOS. So all of these lessons will be going along with that pretense.


Go into your BIOS menu and see if you have UEFI booting enabled.

Quiz Question

# What does the BIOS load? > After testing and ensuring boot devices are functioning, BIOS loads the OS -- or key parts of it -- into the computer's random access memory (RAM) from a hard disk or diskette drive (the boot device). 1. [ ] root 2. [ ] system 3. [ ] fastboot 4. [x] bootloader

3. Boot Process: Bootloader

Lesson Content

The bootloader’s main responsibilities are:

  • Booting into an operating system, it can also be used to boot to non-Linux operating systems
  • Select a kernel to use
  • Specify kernel parameters

The most common bootloader for Linux is GRUB, you are most likely using it on your system. There are many other bootloaders that you can use such as LILO, efilinux, coreboot, SYSLINUX and more. However, we will just be working with GRUB as our bootloader.

So we know that the bootloader’s main goal is to load up the kernel, but where does it find the kernel? To find it, we will need to look at our kernel parameters. The parameters can be found by going into the GRUB menu on startup using the ’e’ key. If you don’t have GRUB no worries, we’ll go through the boot parameters that you will see:

  • initrd - Specifies the location of initial RAM disk (we’ll talk more about this in the next lesson).
  • BOOT_IMAGE - This is where the kernel image is located
  • root - The location of the root filesystem, the kernel searches inside this location to find init. It is often represented by it’s UUID or the device name such as /dev/sda1.
  • ro - This parameter is pretty standard, it mounts the fileystem as read-only mode.
  • quiet - This is added so that you don’t see display messages that are going on in the background during boot.
  • splash - This lets the splash screen be shown.


If you have GRUB as your bootloader, go into the GRUB menu with ’e’ and take a look at the settings.

Quiz Question

# What kernel parameter makes it so you don't see bootup messages? > Kernel boot parameters are text strings which are interpreted by the system to change specific behaviors and enable or disable certain features. Kernel boot parameters: are case-sensitive. are sometimes just a simple word ("splash" or "noapic") 1. [ ] nomsg 2. [ ] supress 3. [ ] silent 4. [x] quiet

4. Boot Process: Kernel

Lesson Content

So now that our bootloader has passed on the necessary parameters, let’s see how it get’s started:

Initrd vs Initramfs

There is a bit of a chicken and egg problem when we talk about the kernel bootup. The kernel manages our systems hardware, however not all drivers are available to the kernel during bootup. So we depend on a temporary root filesystem that contains just the essential modules that the kernel needs to get to the rest of the hardware. In older versions of Linux, this job was given to the initrd (initial ram disk). The kernel would mount the initrd, get the necessary bootup drivers, then when it was done loading everything it needed, it would replace the initrd with the actual root filesystem. These days, we have something called the initramfs, this is a temporary root filesystem that is built into the kernel itself to load all the necessary drivers for the real root filesystem, so no more locating the initrd file.

Mounting the root filesystem

Now the kernel has all the modules it needs to create a root device and mount the root partition. Before you go any further though, the root partition is actually mounted in read-only mode first so that fsck can run safely and check for system integrity. Afterwards it remounts the root filesystem in read-write mode. Then the kernel locates the init program and executes it.


No exercises for this lesson.

Quiz Question

# What is used in modern systems to load up a temporary root filesystem? > The root filesystem should generally be small, since it contains very critical files and a small, infrequently modified filesystem has a better chance of not getting corrupted. A corrupted root filesystem will generally mean that the system becomes unbootable except with special measures. 1. [ ] sys 2. [ ] sda 3. [ ] root 4. [x] initramfs

5. Boot Process: Init

Lesson Content

We’ve discussed init in previous lessons and know that it is the first process that gets started and it starts all the other essential services on our system. But how?

There are actually three major implementations of init in Linux:

System V init (sysv)

This is the traditional init system. It sequentially starts and stops processes, based on startup scripts. The state of the machine is denoted by runlevels, each runlevel starts or stops a machine in a different way.


This is the init you’ll find on older Ubuntu installations. Upstart uses the idea of jobs and events and works by starting jobs that performs certain actions in response to events.


This is the new standard for init, it is goal oriented. Basically you have a goal that you want to achieve and systemd tries to satisfy the goal’s dependencies to complete the goal.

We have an entire course on Init systems where we will dive into each of these systems in more detail.


No exercises for this lesson.

Quiz Question

# What is the newest standard for init? > - In Unix-based computer operating systems, init (short for initialization) is the first process started during booting of the operating system. Init is a daemon process that continues running until the system is shut down. It is the direct or indirect ancestor of all other processes and automatically adopts all orphaned processes. > - Init is started by the kernel during the booting process; a kernel panic will occur if the kernel is unable to start it, or it should die for any reason. Init is typically assigned process identifier 1. 1. [ ] bootscript 2. [ ] launchd 3. [ ] upstart 4. [x] systemd
Chapter 4

4. Kernel

The most important part of the Linux system, learn about how it works and how to configure it.

Subsections of 4. Kernel

1. Overview of the Kernel

Lesson Content

As you’ve learned up to this point, the kernel is the core of the operating system. We’ve talked about the other parts of the operating system but have yet to show how they all work together. The Linux operating system can be organized into three different levels of abstraction.

The most basic level is hardware, this includes our CPU, memory, hard disks, networking ports, etc. The physical layer that actually computes what our machine is doing.

The next level is the kernel, which handles process and memory management, device communication, system calls, sets up our filesystem, etc. The kernel’s job is to talk to the hardware to make sure it does what we want our processes to do.

And the level that you are familiar with is the user space, the user space includes the shell, the programs that you run, the graphics, etc.

In this course, we’ll be focusing on the kernel and learning its intricacies.


No exercises for this lesson.

Quiz Question

# What level of the operating system manages devices? > Kernel level − The administration of hardware components at the lowest level of the operating system, the kernel, is known as kernel-level device management. Device drivers are managed by the kernel-level device management, which also acts as a low-level interface between the hardware and the operating system. 1. [ ] headers 2. [ ] init 3. [ ] bios 4. [x] kernel

2. Privilege Levels

Lesson Content

The next few lessons get pretty theoretical, so if you’re looking for some practical stuff you can skip ahead and come back later.

Why do we have different abstraction layers for user space and kernel? Why can’t you combine both powers into one layer? Well there is a very good reason why these two layers exist separately. They both operate in different modes, the kernel operates in kernel mode and the user space operates in user mode.

In kernel mode, the kernel has complete access to the hardware, it controls everything. In user space mode, there is a very small amount of safe memory and CPU that you are allowed to access. Basically, when we want to do anything that involves hardware, reading data from our disks, writing data to our disks, controlling our network, etc, it is all done in kernel mode. Why is this necessary? Imagine if your machine was infected with spyware, you wouldn’t want it to be able to have direct access to your system’s hardware. It can access all your data, your webcam, etc. and that’s no good.

These different modes are called privilege levels (aptly named for the levels of privilege you get) and are often described as protection rings. To make this picture easier to paint, let’s say you find out that Britney Spears is in town at your local klerb, she’s protected by her groupies, then her personal bodyguards, then the bouncer outside the klerb. You want to get her autograph (because why not?), but you can’t get to her because she is heavily protected. The rings work the same way, the innermost ring corresponds to the highest privilege level. There are two main levels or modes in an x86 computer architecture. Ring #3 is the privilege that user mode applications run in, Ring #0 is the privilege that the kernel runs in. Ring #0 can execute any system instruction and is given full trust. So now that we know how those privilege levels work, how are we able to write anything to our hardware? Won’t we always be in a different mode than the kernel?

The answer is with system calls, system calls allow us to perform a privileged instruction in kernel mode and then switch back to user mode.


No exercises for this lesson.

Quiz Question

# What ring number has the highest privileges? > Ring 0 is the level with the most privileges and allows direct interaction with the physical hardware such as certain CPU functionality and chips on the motherboard. 1. [ ] 1000 2. [ ] x 3. [ ] 1 4. [x] 0

3. System Calls

Lesson Content

Remember Britney in the previous lesson? Let’s say we want to see her and get some drinks together, how do we get from standing outside in the crowds of people to inside her innermost circle? We would use system calls. System calls are like the VIP passes that get you to a secret side door that leads directly to Britney.

System calls (syscall) provide user space processes a way to request the kernel to do something for us. The kernel makes certain services available through the system call API. These services allow us to read or write to a file, modify memory usage, modify our network, etc. The amount of services are fixed, so you can’t be adding system calls nilly willy, your system already has a table of what system calls exist and each system call has a unique ID.

I won’t get into specifics of system calls, as that will require you to know a bit of C, but the basics is that when you call a program like ls, the code inside this program contains a system call wrapper (so not the actual system call yet). Inside this wrapper it invokes the system call which will execute a trap, this trap then gets caught by the system call handler and then references the system call in the system call table. Let’s say we are trying to call the stat() system call, it’s identified by a syscall ID and the purpose of the stat() system call is to query the status of a file. Now remember, you were running the ls program in non-privilege mode. So now it sees you’re trying to make a syscall, it then switches you over to kernel mode, there it does lots of things but most importantly it looks up your syscall number, finds it in a table based on the syscall ID and then executes the function you wanted to run. Once it’s done, it will return back to user mode and your process will receive a return status if it was successful or if it had an error. The inner workings of syscalls get really detailed, I would recommend looking at information online if you want to learn more.

You can actually view the system calls that a process makes with the strace command. The strace command is useful for debugging how a program executed.

$ strace ls


No exercises for this lesson.

Quiz Question

# What is used to switch from user mode to kernel mode? > Moving between the user mode and the kernel mode is referred to as context switching. Context switching occurs when a user process makes a request to the underlying system API. The switch does not occur automatically; rather, an interrupt is generated. 1. [ ] bootscript 2. [ ] init 3. [ ] kernel 4. [x] system call

4. Kernel Installation

Lesson Content

Ok, now that we’ve got all that boring stuff out of the way, let’s talk about actually installing and modifying kernels. You can install multiple kernels on your system, remember in our lesson on the boot process? In our GRUB menu we can choose which kernel to boot to.

To see what kernel version you have on your system, use the following command:

$ uname -r

The uname command prints system information, the -r command will print out all of the kernel release version.

You can install the Linux kernel in different ways, you can download the source package and compile from source or you can install it using package management tools.

$ sudo apt install linux-generic-lts-vivid

and then just reboot into the kernel you installed. Simple right? Kind of, you’ll need to also install other linux packages such as the linux-headers, linux-image-generic, etc). You can also specify the version number, so the above command can look like, sudo apt install 3.19.0-43-generic

Alternatively, if you just want the updated kernel version, just use dist-upgrade, it performs upgrades to all package on your system:

$ sudo apt dist-upgrade

There are many different kernel versions, some are used as LTS (long term support), some are the latest and greatest, the compatibility may be very different between kernel versions so you may want to try out different kernels.


  1. Find out what kernel version you have.
  2. Research the different versions of kernels available

Quiz Question

# How do you see the kernel version of your system? > The date you are seeing in version information is the build date, not the release date, of your device's kernel. The plus means changes to the code of the kernel were made without being committed to the git² version control system. 1. [ ] which kernel 2. [ ] kernel -v 3. [ ] kernel 4. [x] uname -r

5. Kernel Location

Lesson Content

What happens when you install a new kernel? Well it actually adds a couple of files to your system, these files are usually added to the /boot directory.

You will see multiple files for different kernel versions:

  • vmlinuz - this is the actual linux kernel
  • initrd - as we’ve discussed before, the initrd is used as a temporary file system, used before loading the kernel
  • System.map - symbolic lookup table
  • config - kernel configuration settings, if you are compiling your own kernel, you can set which modules can be loaded

If your /boot directory runs out of space, you can always delete old versions of these files or just use a package manager, but be careful when doing maintenance in this directory and don’t accidentally delete the kernel you are using.


Go into your boot directory and see what files are in there.

Quiz Question

# What is the kernel image called in /boot? > boot. img contains the kernel and ramdisk, critical files necessary to load the device before the filesystem can be mounted. 1. [ ] kernelimg 2. [ ] sysimg 3. [ ] boot img 4. [x] vmlinuz

6. Kernel Modules

Lesson Content

Let’s say I have a sweet ride, I invest a lot of time and money into it. I add a spoiler, hitch, bike rack and other random things. These components don’t actually change the core functionality of the car and I can remove and add them very easily. The kernel uses the same concept with kernel modules.

The kernel in itself is a monolithic piece of software, when we want to add support for a new type of keyboard, we don’t write this code directly into the kernel code. Just as we wouldn’t meld a bike rack to our car (well maybe some people would do that). Kernel modules are pieces of code that can be loaded and unloaded into the kernel on demand. They allow us to extend the functionality of the kernel without actually adding to the core kernel code. We can also add modules and not have to reboot the system (in most cases).

View a list of currently loaded modules

$ lsmod

Load a module

$ sudo modprobe bluetooth

Modprobe loads tries the module from /lib/modules/(kernel version)/kernel/drivers. Kernel modules may also have dependencies, modprobe loads our module dependencies if they are not already loaded.

Remove a module

$ sudo modprobe -r bluetooth

Load on bootup

You can also load modules during system boot, instead of temporarily loading them with modprobe (which will be unloaded when you reboot). Just modify the /etc/modprobe.d directory and add a configuration file in it like so:

pete@icebox:~$ /etc/modprobe.d/peanutbutter.conf

options peanut_butter type=almond

A bit of a outlandish example, but if you had a module named peanut_butter and you wanted to add a kernel parameter for type=almond, you can have it load on startup using this configuration file. Also note that kernel modules have their own kernel parameters so you’ll want to read about the module specifically to find out more.

Do not load on bootup

You can also make sure a module does not load on bootup by adding a configuration file like so:

pete@icebox:~$ /etc/modprobe.d/peanutbutter.conf

blacklist peanut_butter


Unload your bluetooth module with modprobe and see what happens. How will you fix this?

Quiz Question

# What command is used to unload a module? > Modules can be removed, but demand loaded modules are automatically removed from the system by kerneld when they are no longer being used. 1. [ ] unmount 2. [ ] unload module 3. [ ] upstart 4. [x] modprobe -r
Chapter 5

5. Init

Learn about the different init systems, SysV, Upstart and systemd.

Subsections of 5. Init

1. System V Overview

Lesson Content

The main purpose of init is to start and stop essential processes on the system. There are three major implementations of init in Linux, System V, Upstart and systemd. In this lesson, we’re going to go over the most traditional version of init, System V init or Sys V (pronounced as ‘System Five’).

To find out if you are using the Sys V init implementation, if you have an /etc/inittab file you are most likely running Sys V.

Sys V starts and stops processes sequentially, so let’s say if you wanted to start up a service named foo-a, well before foo-b can work, you have to make sure foo-a is already running. Sys V does that with scripts, these scripts start and stop services for us, we can write our own scripts or most of the time use the ones that are already built in the operating system and are used to load essential services.

The pros of using this implementation of init, is that it’s relatively easy to solve dependencies, since you know foo-a comes before foo-b, however performance isn’t great because usually one thing is starting or stopping at a time.

When using Sys V, the state of the machine is defined by runlevels which are set from 0 to 6. These different modes will vary depending on the distribution, but most of the time will look like the following:

  • 0: Shutdown
  • 1: Single User Mode
  • 2: Multiuser mode without networking
  • 3: Multiuser mode with networking
  • 4: Unused
  • 5: Multiuser mode with networking and GUI
  • 6: Reboot

When your system starts up, it looks to see what runlevel you are in and executes scripts located inside that runlevel configuration. The scripts are located in /etc/rc.d/rc[runlevel number].d/ or /etc/init.d. Scripts that start with S(start) or K(kill) will run on startup and shutdown, respectively. The numbers next to these characters are the sequence they run in.

For example:

pete@icebox:/etc/rc.d/rc0.d$ ls
K10updates  K80openvpn        

We see when we switch to runlevel 0 or shutdown mode, our machine will try to run a script to kill the updates services and then openvpn. To find out what runlevel your machine is booting into, you can see the default runlevel in the /etc/inittab file. You can also change your default runlevel in this file as well.

One thing to note, System V is slowly getting replaced, maybe not today, or even years from now. However, you may see runlevels come up in other init implementations, this is primarily to support those services that are only started or stopped using System V init scripts.


If you are running System V, change the default runlevel of your machine to something else and see what happens.

Quiz Question

# What runlevel is usually used for shutdown? > A Linux system has several runlevels, numbered from 0 to 6. When you power up your system, you enter the default runlevel. Runlevels 0, 1, and 6 are special runlevels that perform specific functions. Runlevel 0 is the power-down state and is invoked by the halt command to shut down the system. 1. [ ] 10 2. [ ] x 3. [ ] 1 4. [x] 0

2. System V Service

Lesson Content

There are many command line tools you can use to manage Sys V services.

List services

$ service --status-all

Start a service

$ sudo service networking start

Stop a service

$ sudo service networking stop

Restart a service

$ sudo service networking restart

These commands aren’t specific to Sys V init systems, you can use these commands to manage Upstart services as well. Since Linux is trying to move away from the more traditional Sys V init scripts, there are still things in place to help that transition.


Manage a couple of services and change their states, what do you observe?

Quiz Question

# What is the command to stop a service named peanut with Sys V? > Unix System V (pronounced: "System Five") is one of the first commercial versions of the Unix operating system. It was originally developed by AT&T and first released in 1983. Four major versions of System V were released, numbered 1, 2, 3, and 4. System V Release 4 (SVR4) was commercially the most successful version, being the result of an effort, marketed as Unix System Unification, which solicited the collaboration of the major Unix vendors. It was the source of several common commercial Unix features. System V is sometimes abbreviated to SysV. 1. [ ] sudo unmount peanut 2. [ ] sudo unload module peanut 3. [ ] sudo stop service peanut 4. [x] sudo service peanut stop

3. Upstart Overview

Lesson Content

Upstart was developed by Canonical, so it was the init implementation on Ubuntu for a while, however on modern Ubuntu installations systemd is now used. Upstart was created to improve upon the issues with Sys V, such as the strict startup processes, blocking of tasks, etc. Upstart’s event and job driven model allow it to respond to events as they happen.

To find out if you are using Upstart, if you have a /usr/share/upstart directory that’s a pretty good indicator.

Jobs are the actions that Upstart performs and events are messages that are received from other processes to trigger jobs. To see a list of jobs and their configuration:

pete@icebox:~$ ls /etc/init
acpid.conf                   mountnfs.sh.conf
alsa-restore.conf            mtab.sh.conf
alsa-state.conf              networking.conf
alsa-store.conf              network-interface.conf
anacron.conf                 network-interface-container.conf

Inside these job configurations, it’ll include information on how to start jobs and when to start jobs.

For example, in the networking.conf file, it could say something as simple as:

start on runlevel [235]
stop on runlevel [0]

This means that it will start setting up networking on runlevel 2, 3 or 5 and will stop networking on runlevel 0. There are many ways to write the configuration file and you’ll discover that when you look at the different job configurations available.

The way that Upstart works is that:

  1. First, it loads up the job configurations from /etc/init
  2. Once a startup event occurs, it will run jobs triggered by that event.
  3. These jobs will make new events and then those events will trigger more jobs
  4. Upstart continues to do this until it completes all the necessary jobs


If you are running Upstart, see if you can make sense of the job configurations in /etc/init.

Quiz Question

# What is the init implementation that is used by Ubuntu? > systemd is a system and service manager for Linux operating systems. When run as first process on boot (as PID 1), it acts as init system that brings up and maintains userspace services. 1. [ ] sysV 2. [ ] init 3. [ ] unstart 4. [x] upstart

4. Upstart Jobs

Lesson Content

Upstart can trigger a lot of events and jobs to run, unfortunately there is no easy way to see where an event or job originated, so you’ll have to poke around the job configurations in /etc/init. Most of the time, you won’t ever need to look at the Upstart job configuration files, but you will want to control some specific jobs more easily. There are a lot of useful commands you can use in an Upstart system.

View jobs

initctl list

shutdown stop/waiting
console stop/waiting

You’ll see a list of Upstart jobs with different statuses applied to them. In each line, the job name is the first value and the second field (before the /) is actually the goal of the job, the third value (after the /) is the current status. So we see that our shutdown job eventually wants to stop, but it is currently in a state of waiting. The job status and goals will change as you start or stop jobs.

View specific job

initctl status networking
networking start/running

We won’t get into the details of how to write an Upstart job configuration, however we already know that jobs are stopped, started and restarted in these configurations. These jobs also emit events, so they can start other jobs. We’ll go through the manual commands of the Upstart operation, but if you are curious, you should dig into the .conf files in more depth.

Manually start a job

$ sudo initctl start networking

Manually stop a job

$ sudo initctl stop networking

Manually restart a job

$ sudo initctl restart networking

Manually emit an event

$ sudo initctl emit some_event


Observe your list of Upstart jobs, now change the job state with one of the commands we learned today. What do you notice afterwards?

Quiz Question

# How would I manually restart an Upstart job called peanuts? > Upstart is an event-based replacement for the /sbin/init daemon which handles starting of tasks and services during boot, stopping them during shutdown and supervising them while the system is running. 1. [ ] sudo reload module peanuts 2. [ ] sudo load module peanuts 3. [ ] sudo initctl upstart peanuts 4. [x] sudo initctl restart peanuts

5. Systemd Overview

Lesson Content

Systemd is slowly becoming the emerging standard for init. If you have a /usr/lib/systemd directory, you’re most likely using systemd.

Systemd uses goals to get your system up and running. Basically you have a target that you want to achieve and this target also has dependencies that we need to achieve. Systemd is extremely flexible and robust, it does not follow a strict sequence to get processes started. Here’s what happens during the typical systemd boot:

  1. First, systemd loads it’s configuration files, usually located in /etc/systemd/system or /usr/lib/systemd/system
  2. Then it determines its boot goal, which is usually default.target
  3. Systemd figures out the dependencies of the boot target and activates them

Similar to Sys V runlevels, systemd boots into different targets:

  • poweroff.target - shutdown system
  • rescue.target - single user mode
  • multi-user.target - multiuser with networking
  • graphical.target - multiuser with networking and GUI
  • reboot.target - restart

The default boot goal of default.target usually points to the graphical.target.

The main object that systemd works with are known as units. Systemd doesn’t just stop and start services, it can mount filesystems, monitor your network sockets, etc and because of that robustness it has different types of units it operates. The most common units are:

  • Service units - these are the services we’ve been starting and stopping, these unit files end in .service
  • Mount units - These mount filesystems, these unit files end in .mount
  • Target units - These group together other units, the files end in .target

For example, let’s say we boot into our default.target, well this target groups together the networking.service unit, crond.service unit, etc, so once we activate a single unit, everything below that unit gets activated as well.


No exercises for this lesson.

Quiz Question

# What unit is used to group together other units? > A unit file is a file that determines how systemd will start and run. In Linux unit files are stored in the: /etc/systemd/system - stores unit files for local configurations. 1. [ ] set 2. [ ] lock 3. [ ] point 4. [x] target

6. Systemd Goals

Lesson Content

We won’t get into the details of writing systemd unit files. We will however go over a brief overview of a unit file and how to manually control units.

Here is a basic service unit file: foobar.service

Description=My Foobar



This is a simple service target, at the beginning of the file we see a section for [Unit], this allows us to give our unit file a description as well as control the ordering of when to activate the unit. The next portion is the [Service] section, under here we can start, stop or reload a service. And the [Install] section is used for dependency. This is only the tip of the iceberg for writing systemd files, so I implore you to read up on the subject if you want to know more.

Now, let’s get into some commands you can use with systemd units:

List units

$ systemctl list-units

View status of unit

$ systemctl status networking.service

Start a service

$ sudo systemctl start networking.service

Stop a service

$ sudo systemctl stop networking.service

Restart a service

$ sudo systemctl restart networking.service

Enable a unit

$ sudo systemctl enable networking.service

Disable a unit

$ sudo systemctl disable networking.service

Again, you have yet to see how much depth systemd gets into, so read up on it if you want to learn more.


View the unit statuses and start and stop a few services. What do you observe?

Quiz Question

# What is the command to start a service named peanut.service? > To start a service using the systemctl command, we utilise the start option. This option is followed by the name of the service which we wish to start. 1. [ ] sudo systemctl module peanut.service 2. [ ] sudo systemctl upstart peanut.service 3. [x] sudo systemctl start peanut.service

7. Power States

Lesson Content

Hard to believe we haven’t actually discussed ways to control your system state through the command line, but when talking about init, we not only talk about the modes that get us starting our system, but also the ones that stop our system.

To shutdown your system:

$ sudo shutdown -h now

This will halt the system (power it off), you must also specify a time when you want this to take place. You can add a time in minutes that will shutdown the system in that amount of time.

$ sudo shutdown -h +2

This will shutdown your system in two minutes. You can also restart with the shutdown command:

$ sudo shutdown -r now

Or just use the reboot command:

$ sudo reboot


What do you think is happening with init when you shutdown your machine?

Quiz Question

# What is the command to poweroff your system in 4 minutes? > $ sudo shutdown --halt +5 “Attention. The system is going down in five minutes.” You can also use the systemctl command to shut down the system. For example, type systemctl halt or systemctl poweroff to achieve similar results to the shutdown command. 1. [ ] sudo shutdown -t 4 2. [ ] sudo shutdown = 4 3. [ ] sudo shutdown in 4 4. [x] sudo shutdown -h +4
Chapter 6

6. Process Utilization

Learn resource monitoring with top, load averages, iostat and more!

Subsections of 6. Process Utilization

1. Tracking Processes: Top

Lesson Content

In this course, we’ll go over how to read and analyze the resource utilization on your system, this lesson shows some great tools to use when you need to track what a process is doing.


We’ve discussed top before, but we’re going to dig into the specifics of what it’s actually displaying. Remember top is the tool we used to get a real time view of the system utilization by our processes:

top - 18:06:26 up 6 days,  4:07,  2 users,  load average: 0.92, 0.62, 0.59
Tasks: 389 total,   1 running, 387 sleeping,   0 stopped,   1 zombie
%Cpu(s):  1.8 us,  0.4 sy,  0.0 ni, 97.6 id,  0.1 wa,  0.0 hi,  0.0 si,  0.0 st
KiB Mem:  32870888 total, 27467976 used,  5402912 free,   518808 buffers
KiB Swap: 33480700 total,    39892 used, 33440808 free. 19454152 cached Mem

  PID USER      PR  NI    VIRT    RES    SHR S  %CPU %MEM     TIME+ COMMAND                             
 6675 patty    20   0 1731472 520960  30876 S   8.3  1.6 160:24.79 chrome                             
 6926 patty    20   0  935888 163456  25576 S   4.3  0.5   5:28.13 chrome 

Let’s go over what this output means, you don’t have to memorize this, but come back to this when you need a reference.

1st line: This is the same information you would see if you ran the uptime command (more to come)

The fields are from left to right:

  1. Current time
  2. How long the system has been running
  3. How many users are currently logged on
  4. System load average (more to come)

2nd line: Tasks that are running, sleeping, stopped and zombied 3rd line: Cpu information

  1. us: user CPU time - Percentage of CPU time spent running users’ processes that aren’t niced.
  2. sy: system CPU time - Percentage of CPU time spent running the kernel and kernel processes
  3. ni: nice CPU time - Percentage of CPU time spent running niced processes
  4. id: CPU idle time - Percentage of CPU time that is spent idle
  5. wa: I/O wait - Percentage of CPU time that is spent waiting for I/O. If this value is low, the problem probably isn’t disk or network I/O
  6. hi: hardware interrupts - Percentage of CPU time spent serving hardware interrupts
  7. si: software interrupts - Percentage of CPU time spent serving software interrupts
  8. st: steal time - If you are running virtual machines, this is the percentage of CPU time that was stolen from you for other tasks

4th and 5th line: Memory Usage and Swap Usage Processes List that are Currently in Use

  1. PID: Id of the process
  2. USER: user that is the owner of the process
  3. PR: Priority of process
  4. NI: The nice value
  5. VIRT: Virtual memory used by the process
  6. RES: Physical memory used from the process
  7. SHR: Shared memory of the process
  8. S: Indicates the status of the process: S=sleep, R=running, Z=zombie,D=uninterruptible,T=stopped
  9. %CPU - this is the percent of CPU used by this process
  10. %MEM - percentage of RAM used by this process
  11. TIME+ - total time of activity of this process
  12. COMMAND - name of the process

You can also specify a process ID if you just want to track certain processes:

$ top -p 1


Play around with the top command and see what processes are using the most resources.

Quiz Question

# What command displays the same output as the first line in top? > Top's first line, top, shows the same information as the uptime command. The first value is the system time. The second value represents how long the system has been up and running, while the third value indicates the current number of users on the system. 1. [ ] showt 2. [x] uptime 3. [ ] unstart 4. [ ] upstart

2. lsof and fuser

Lesson Content

Let’s say you plugged in a USB drive and starting working on some files, once you were done, you go and unmount the USB device and you’re getting an error “Device or Resource Busy”. How would you find out which files in the USB drive are still in use? There are actually two tools you can use for this:


Remember files aren’t just text files, images, etc, they are everything on the system, disks, pipes, network sockets, devices, etc. To see what is in use by a process, you can use the lsof command (short for “list open files”) this will show you a list of all the open files and their associated process.

pete@icebox:~$ lsof .
lxsession 1491 pete  cwd    DIR    8,6     4096  131 .
update-no 1796 pete  cwd    DIR    8,6     4096  131 .
nm-applet 1804 pete  cwd    DIR    8,6     4096  131 .
indicator 1809 pete  cwd    DIR    8,6     4096  131 .
xterm     2205 pete  cwd    DIR    8,6     4096  131 .
bash      2207 pete  cwd    DIR    8,6     4096  131 .
lsof      5914 pete  cwd    DIR    8,6     4096  131 .
lsof      5915 pete  cwd    DIR    8,6     4096  131 .

Now I can see what processes are currently holding the device/file open. In our USB example, you can also kill these processes so we can unmount this pesky drive.


Another way to track a process is the fuser command (short for “file user”), this will show you information about the process that is using the file or the file user.

pete@icebox:~$ fuser -v .
                     USER        PID ACCESS COMMAND
/home/pete:          pete  1491 ..c.. lxsession
                     pete  1796 ..c.. update-notifier
                     pete  1804 ..c.. nm-applet
                     pete  1809 ..c.. indicator-power
                     pete  2205 ..c.. xterm
                     pete  2207 ..c.. bash

We can see which processes are currently using our /home/pete directory. The lsof and fuser tools are very similar, familiarize yourself with these tools and try using them next time you need to track a file or process down.


Read the manpages for lsof and fuser, there is a lot of information that we didn’t cover that allows you to have greater flexibility with these tools.

Quiz Question

# What command is used to list open files and their process information? > The open source lsof command is also useful for providing information about files opened by processes, and files opened under specific user accounts. 1. [ ] ls op 2. [ ] init 3. [ ] fuser 4. [x] lsof

3. Process Threads

Lesson Content

You may have heard of the terms single-threaded and multi-threaded processes. Threads are very similar to processes, in that they are used to execute the same program, they are often referred to as lightweight processes. If a process has one thread it is single-threaded and if a process has more than one thread it is multi-threaded. However, all processes have at least one thread.

Processes operate with their own isolated system resources, however threads can share these resources among each other easily, making it easier for them to communicate among each other and at times it is more efficient to have a multi-threaded application than a multi-process application.

Basically, let’s say you open up LibreOffice Writer and Chrome, each is it’s own separate process. Now you go inside Writer and start editing text, when you edit the text it gets automatically saved. These two parallel “lightweight processes” of saving and editing are threads.

To view process threads, you can use:

pete@icebox:~$ ps m
 2207 pts/2    -      0:01 bash
    - -        Ss     0:01 -
 5252 pts/2    -      0:00 ps m
    - -        R+     0:00 -

The processes are denoted with each PID and underneath the processes are their threads (denoted by a –). So you can see that the processes above are both single-threaded.


Run the ps m command and see what processes you have running are multi-threaded.

Quiz Question

# True or false, all processes start out single-threaded. > Single threaded processes contain the execution of instructions in a single sequence. In other words, one command is processes at a time. The opposite of single threaded processes are multithreaded processes. These processes allow the execution of multiple parts of a program at the same time. 1. [ ] False 2. [x] True

4. CPU Monitoring

Lesson Content

Let’s go over a useful command, uptime.

pete@icebox:~$ uptime
 17:23:35 up 1 day,  5:59,  2 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.02, 0.05

We talked about uptime in the first lesson of this course, but we haven’t gone over the load average field. Load averages are good way to see the CPU load on your system. These numbers represent the average CPU load in 1, 5, and 15 minute intervals. What do I mean by CPU load, the CPU load is the average number of processes that are waiting to be executed by the CPU.

Let’s say you have a single-core CPU, think of this core as a single lane in traffic. If it’s rush hour on the freeway, this lane is gonna be really busy and traffic is gonna be at 100% or a load of 1. Now the traffic has become so bad, it’s backing up the freeway and getting the regular roads busy by twice the amount of cars, we can say that your load is 200% or a load of 2. Now let’s say it clears up a bit and there are only half as many cars on the freeway lane, we can say the load of the lane is 0.5. When traffic is non-existent and we can get home quicker, the load should ideally be very low, like 2am traffic low. The cars in this case are processes and these processes are just waiting to get off the freeway and get home.

Now just because you have a load average of 1 doesn’t mean your computer is slogging around. Most modern machines these days have multiple cores. If you had a quad core processor (4 cores) and your load average is 1, it’s really just affecting 25% of your CPU. Think of each core as a lane in traffic. You can view the amount of cores you have on your system with cat /proc/cpuinfo.

When observing load average, you have to take the number of cores into account, if you find that your machine is always using an above average load, there could something wrong going on.


Check the load average of your system and see what it’s doing.

Quiz Question

# What command can you use to see the load average? > The uptime command is one of the most common methods for checking the Load Average for your system. 1. [ ] init 2. [x] uptime 3. [ ] unstart 4. [ ] upstart

5. I/O Monitoring

Lesson Content

We can also monitor CPU usage as well as monitor disk usage with a handy tool known as iostat

pete@icebox:~$ iostat
Linux 3.13.0-39-lowlatency (icebox)     01/28/2016      _i686_  (1 CPU)

avg-cpu:  %user   %nice %system %iowait  %steal   %idle
           0.13    0.03    0.50    0.01    0.00   99.33

Device:            tps    kB_read/s    kB_wrtn/s    kB_read    kB_wrtn
sda               0.17         3.49         1.92     385106     212417

The first part is the CPU information:

  • %user - Show the percentage of CPU utilization that occurred while executing at the user level (application)
  • %nice - Show the percentage of CPU utilization that occurred while executing at the user level with nice priority.user CPU utilization with nice priorities
  • %system - Show the percentage of CPU utilization that occurred while executing at the system level (kernel).
  • %iowait - Show the percentage of time that the CPU or CPUs were idle during which the system had an outstanding disk I/O request.
  • %steal - Show the percentage of time spent in involuntary wait by the virtual CPU or CPUs while the hypervisor was servicing another virtual processor.
  • %idle - Show the percentage of time that the CPU or CPUs were idle and the system did not have an outstanding disk I/O request.

The second part is the disk utilization:

  • tps - Indicate the number of transfers per second that were issued to the device. A transfer is an I/O request to the device. Multiple logical requests can be combined into a single I/O request to the device. A transfer is of indeterminate size.
  • kB_read/s - Indicate the amount of data read from the device expressed in kilobytes per second.
  • kB_wrtn/s - Indicate the amount of data written to the device expressed in kilobytes per second.
  • kB_read - The total number of kilobytes read.
  • kB_wrtn - The total number of kilobytes written.


Use iostat to view your disk usage.

Quiz Question

# What command can be used to view I/O and CPU usage? > The iostat command is used to monitor system input/output (I/O) devices (physical and logical) that are loaded, by observing the time for which these devices are active. 1. [ ] sysV 2. [ ] init 3. [ ] unstart 4. [x] iostat

6. Memory Monitoring

Lesson Content

In addition to CPU monitoring and I/O monitoring you can monitor your memory usage with vmstat

pete@icebox:~$ vmstat
procs -----------memory---------- ---swap-- -----io---- -system-- ------cpu-----
 r  b   swpd   free   buff  cache   si   so    bi    bo   in   cs us sy id wa st
 1  0      0 396528  38816 384036    0    0     4     2   38   79  0  0 99  0  0

The fields are as follows:


  • r - Number of processes for run time
  • b - Number of processes in uninterruptible sleep


  • swpd - Amount of virtual memory used
  • free - Amount of free memory
  • buff - Amount of memory used as buffers
  • cache - Amount of memory used as cache


  • si - Amount of memory swapped in from disk
  • so - Amount of memory swapped out to disk


  • bi - Amount of blocks received in from a block device
  • bo - Amount of blocks sent out to a block device


  • in - Number of interrupts per second
  • cs - Number of context switches per second


  • us - Time spent in user time
  • sy - Time spent in kernel time
  • id - Time spent idle
  • wa - Time spent waiting for IO


Look at your memory usage with vmstat.

Quiz Question

# What tool is used to view memory utilization? >The vmstat command (short for virtual memory statistics) is a built-in monitoring utility in Linux. The command is used to obtain information about memory, system processes, paging, interrupts, block I/O, disk, and CPU scheduling. Users can observe system activity virtually in real-time by specifying a sampling period. 1. [x] vmstat 2. [ ] init 3. [ ] unstart 4. [ ] iostat

7. Continuous Monitoring

Lesson Content

These monitoring tools are good to look at when your machine is having issues, but what about machines that are having issues when you aren’t looking. For those, you’ll need to use a continuous monitoring tool, something that will collect, report and save your system activity information. In this lesson we will go over a great tool to use sar.

Installing sar Sar is a tool that is used to do historical analysis on your system, first make sure you have it installed by installing the sysstat package sudo apt install sysstat.

Setting up data collection Usually once you install sysstat, your system will automatically start collecting data, if it doesn’t you can enable it by modifying the ENABLED field in /etc/default/sysstat.

Using sar

$ sudo sar -q

This command will list the details from the start of the day.

$ sudo sar -r

This will list the details of memory usage from the start of the day.

$ sudo sar -P

This will list the details of CPU usage.

To see a view of a different day, you can go into /var/log/sysstat/saXX where XX is the day you want to view.

$sar -q /var/log/sysstat/sa02


Install sar on your system and start collecting and analyzing your system resource utilization.

Quiz Question

# What is a good tool to use for monitoring system resources? > The sar command is a standard UNIX command used to gather statistical data about the system. With its numerous options, the sar command provides queuing, paging, TTY, and many other statistics. The sar -d option generates real-time disk I/O statistics. 1. [ ] top 2. [ ] init 3. [ ] unstart 4. [x] sar

8. Cron Jobs

Lesson Content

Although we have been talking about resource utilization, I think this would be a good point to mention a neat tool in Linux that is used to schedule tasks using cron. There is a service that runs programs for you at whatever time you schedule. This is a really useful if you have a script you want to run once a day that needs to execute something for you.

For example, let’s say I have a script located in /home/pete/scripts/change_wallpaper. I use this script every morning to change the picture I use for my wallpaper, but each morning I have to manually execute this script. Instead what I can do is create a cron job that executes my script through cron. I can specify the time I want this cron job to run and execute my script.

30 08 * * * /home/pete/scripts/change_wallpaper

The fields are as follows from left to right:

  • Minute - (0-59)
  • Hour - (0-23)
  • Day of the month - (1-31)
  • Month - (1-12)
  • Day of the week - (0-7). 0 and 7 are denoted as Sunday

The asterisk in the field means to match every value. So in my above example, I want this to run every day in every month at 8:30am.

To create a cronjob, just edit the crontab file:

crontab -e


Create a cronjob that you want to run at a scheduled time.

Quiz Question

# What is the command to edit your cronjobs? > The cron command-line utility is a job scheduler on Unix-like operating systems. Users who set up and maintain software environments use cron to schedule jobs, also known as cron jobs, to run periodically at fixed times, dates, or intervals. 1. [ ] cron 2. [ ] cronjob -e 3. [ ] cron -e 4. [x] crontab -e
Chapter 7

7. Logging

Learn about system logs and the /var/log directory.

Subsections of 7. Logging

1. System Logging

Lesson Content

The services, kernel, daemons, etc on your system are constantly doing something, this data is actually sent to be saved on your system in the form of logs. This allows us to have a human readable journal of the events that are happening on our system. This data is usually kept in the /var directory, the /var directory is where we keep our variable data, such as logs!

How are these messages even getting received on your system? There is a service called syslog that sends this information to the system logger.

Syslog actually contains many components, one of the important ones is a daemon running called syslogd (newer Linux distributions use rsyslogd), that waits for event messages to occur and filter the ones it wants to know about, and depending on what it’s supposed to do with that message, it will send it to a file, your console or do nothing with it.

You would think that this system logger is the centralized place to manage logs, but unfortunately it’s not. You’ll see many applications that write their own logging rules and generate different log files, however in general the format of logs should include a timestamp and the event details.

Here is an example of a line from syslog:

pete@icebox:~$ less /var/log/syslog
Jan 27 07:41:32 icebox anacron[4650]: Job `cron.weekly' started

Here we can see that at Jan 27 07:41:32 our cron service ran the cron.weekly job. You can view all the event messages that syslog collects with in the /var/log/syslog file.


Look at your /var/log/syslog file and see what else is happening on your machine.

Quiz Question

# What is the daemon that manages log on newer Linux systems? > The syslog daemon is a server process that provides a message logging facility for application and system processes. 1. [ ] lslog 2. [ ] initlog 3. [ ] syslog 4. [x] rsyslogd

2. syslog

Lesson Content

The syslog service manages and sends logs to the system logger. Rsyslog is an advanced version of syslog, most Linux distributions should be using this new version. The output of all the logs the syslog service collects can be found at /var/log/syslog (every message except auth messages).

To find out what files are maintained by our system logger, look at the configuration files in /etc/rsyslog.d:

pete@icebox:~$ less /etc/rsyslog.d/50-default.conf 
# First some standard log files.  Log by facility.
auth,authpriv.*                 /var/log/auth.log
*.*;auth,authpriv.none          -/var/log/syslog
#cron.*                         /var/log/cron.log
#daemon.*                       -/var/log/daemon.log
kern.*                          -/var/log/kern.log
#lpr.*                          -/var/log/lpr.log
mail.*                          -/var/log/mail.log
#user.*                         -/var/log/user.log

These rules to log files are denoted by the selector on the left column and the action on the right column. The action tells us where to send the log information, in a file, console, etc. Remember not every application and service uses rsyslog to manage their logs, so if you want to know specifically what is logged you’ll have to look inside this directory.

Let’s actually see logging in action, you can manually send a log with the logger command:

logger -s Hello

Now look inside your /var/log/syslog and you should see this entry in your logs!


Look at your /etc/rsyslog.d configuration file and see what else is being logged via the system logger.

Quiz Question

# What command can you use to manually log a message? > Just type logger `````` on the command line and your message will be added to the end of the /var/log/syslog file. 1. [ ] syslog 2. [ ] log 3. [ ] fuser 4. [x] logger

3. General Logging

Lesson Content

There are many log files you can view on your system, many important ones can be found under /var/log. We won’t go through them all, but we’ll discuss a couple of the major ones.

There are two general log files you can view to get a glimpse of what your system is doing:


This log contains all non-critical and non-debug messages, includes messages logged during bootup (dmesg), auth, cron, daemon, etc. Very useful to get a glimpse of how your machine is acting.


This logs everything except auth messages, it’s extremely useful for debugging errors on your machine.

These two logs should be more than enough when troubleshooting issues with your system, However, if you just want to view a specific log component, there are also separate logs for those as well.


Look at your /var/log/messages and /var/log/syslog files and see what the differences are.

Quiz Question

# What log file logs everything except auth messages? > /var/log. This is such a crucial folder on your Linux systems. Open up a terminal window and issue the command cd /var/log. Now issue the command ls and you will see the logs housed within this directory. 1. [ ] log 2. [ ] init 3. [ ] logger 4. [x] syslog

4. Kernel Logging

Lesson Content

/var/log/dmesg On boot-time your system logs information about the kernel ring buffer. This shows us information about hardware drivers, kernel information and status during bootup and more. This log file can be found at /var/log/dmesg and gets reset on every boot, you may not actually see any use in it now, but if you were to ever have issues with something during bootup or a hardware issue, dmesg is the best place to look. You can also view this log using the dmesg command.

/var/log/kern.log Another log you can use to view kernel information is the /var/log/kern.log file, this logs the kernel information and events on your system, it also logs dmesg output.


Look at your dmesg and kern logs, what differences do you notice?

Quiz Question

# What command can be used to view kernel bootup messages? > While the dmesg command can display the entire contents of the Linux kernel message buffer there are ways to have it choose just what you want to see. The dmesg command displays the content of the kernel's message buffer since the system's most recent boot. 1. [ ] auth.log 2. [ ] sys.log 3. [ ] kern.log 4. [x] dmesg

5. Authentication Logging

Lesson Content

Authentication logging can be very useful to look at if you are having issues logging in.


This contains system authorization logs, such as user login and the authentication method used.

Sample snippet:

Jan 31 10:37:50 icebox pkexec: pam_unix(polkit-1:session): session opened for user root by (uid=1000)


Do some failed logins and then a successful one, look at your /var/log/auth.log and see what happened.

Quiz Question

# What log is used for user authentication? > /var/log/auth. log – Contains system authorization information, including user logins and authentication machinsm that were used. 1. [ ] boot.log 2. [ ] sys.log 3. [ ] kern.log 4. [x] auth.log

6. Managing Log Files

Lesson Content

Log files generate lots of data and they store this data on your hard disks, however there are lots of issues with this, for the most part we just want to be able to see newer logs, we also want to manage our disk space efficiently, so how do we do all of this? The answer is with logrotate.

The logrotate utility does log management for us. It has a configuration file that allows us to specify how many and what logs to keep, how to compress our logs to save space and more. The logrotate tool is usually run out of cron once a day and the configuration files can be found in /etc/logrotate.d.

There are other logrotating tools you can use to manage your logs, but logrotate is the most common one.


Look at your logrotate configuration file and see how it manages some of your logs.

Quiz Question

# What utility is used to manage logs? > A key best practice for logging is to centralize or aggregate your logs in a single location, especially if you have multiple servers or architecture tiers. Modern applications often have several tiers of infrastructure that can include a mix of on-premises servers and cloud services. 1. [ ] man logger 2. [ ] logger 3. [ ] log 4. [x] logrotate