3. Networking Nomad

  • Network Sharing - Learn about network sharing with rsync, scp, nfs and more.

  • Network Basics - Learn about networking basics and the TCP/IP model.

  • Subnetting - Learn about subnets and how to do subnet arithmetic!

  • Routing - Learn how packets are routed across networks!

  • Network Config - Learn about network configuration using Linux tools!

  • Troubleshooting - Learn about common networking tools to help you diagnose and troubleshoot issues!

  • DNS - Everything and more that you wanted to know about DNS.

This is Last unit, it is aimed to make you fimiliar with Networking Part of linux environment. So let’s push through to Learn Linux…

Subsections of 3. Networking Nomad

Chapter 1

1. Network Sharing

This is first chapter for last section of learning Linux on Let’s Learn Linux.

Subsections of 1. Network Sharing

1. File Sharing Overview

Lesson Content

You usually are not the only computer on your network, this is especially the case if you’re working in a commercial environment. When we want to transfer data from one machine to another, sometimes it maybe easier to connect a USB drive and manually copy them. But for the most part, if you’re working with machines on the same network, the way to transfer data is through network file sharing.

In this course we’ll go over a couple of different methods to copy data to and from different machines on your network. We’ll discuss some simple file copies, then we’ll talk about mounting entire directories on your machine that act as a separate drive.

One simple file sharing tool is the scp command. The scp command stands for secure copy, it works exactly the way the cp command does, but allows you to copy from one host over to another host on the same network. It works via ssh so all your actions are using the same authentication and security as ssh.

To copy a file over from local host to a remote host

$ scp myfile.txt username@remotehost.com:/remote/directory

To copy a file from a remote host to your local host

$ scp username@remotehost.com:/remote/directory/myfile.txt /local/directory

To copy over a directory from your local host to a remote host

$ scp -r mydir username@remotehost.com:/remote/directory


Try to copy a file over with scp from one machine to another.

Quiz Question

# What command can you use to securely copy files from one host to another? > In Unix, you can use SCP (the scp command) to securely copy files and directories between remote hosts without starting an FTP session or logging into the remote systems explicitly. 1. [ ] ssh copy 2. [ ] cp -s 3. [ ] cp 4. [x] scp

2. rsync

Lesson Content

Another tool used to copy data from different hosts is rsync (short for remote synchronization). Rsync is very similar to scp, but it does have a major difference. Rsync uses a special algorithm that checks in advanced if there is already data that you are copying to and will only copy over the differences. For example, let’s say that you were copying over a file and your network got interrupted, therefore your copy stopped midway. Instead of re-copying everything from the beginning, rsync will only copy over the parts that didn’t get copied.

It also verifies the integrity of a file you are copying over with checksums. These small optimizations allow greater file transfer flexibility and makes rsync ideal for directory synchronization remotely and locally, data backups, large data transfers and more.

Some commonly-used rsync options:

  • v - verbose output
  • r - recursive into directories
  • h - human readable output
  • z - compressed for easier transfer, great for slow connections

Copy/sync files on the same host

$ rsync -zvr /my/local/directory/one /my/local/directory/two

Copy/sync files to local host from a remote host

$ rsync /local/directory username@remotehost.com:/remote/directory

Copy/sync files to a remote host from a local host

$ rsync username@remotehost.com:/remote/directory /local/directory


Use rsync to sync a directory to another directory, be sure not to overwrite an important directory!

Quiz Question

# What command would be useful for data backups? > For secure data backup over the network, rsync uses SSH for transfers. Your server needs to be set to allow SSH connection. Once you manage to connect to the remote machine over SSH, you can start backing up your data to a location on that machine. 1. [ ] ftp 2. [ ] scp 3. [ ] https 4. [x] rsync

3. Simple HTTP Server

Lesson Content

Python has a super useful tool for serving files over HTTP. This is great if you just want to create a quick network share that other machines on your network can access. To do that just go to the directory you want to share and run:

$ python -m SimpleHTTPServer

This sets up a basic webserver that you can access via the localhost address. So grab the IP address of the machine you ran this on and then on another machine access it in the browser with: http://IP_ADDRESS:8000. On your own machine, you can view the files available by typing: http://localhost:8000 in your web browser.

You can also do this with node or if you are running Python 3, the syntax will be a little bit different.


Try setting up a SimpleHTTPServer!

Quiz Question

# What tool can you use to create a simple http server with python? > The SimpleHTTPServer module is a Python module that enables a developer to lay the foundation for developing a web server. However, as sysadmins, we can use the module to serve files from a directory. 1. [ ] SSH 2. [ ] PHP 3. [ ] apache 4. [x] SimpleHTTPServer

4. NFS

Lesson Content

The most standard network file share for Linux is NFS (Network File System), NFS allows a server to share directories and files with one or more clients over the network.

We won’t get into the details of how to create an NFS server as it can get complex, however we will discuss setting up NFS clients.

Setting up NFS client

$ sudo service nfsclient start
$ sudo mount server:/directory /mount_directory


Let’s say you use the NFS server quite often and you want to keep it permanently mounted, normally you think you’d edit the /etc/fstab file, but you may not always get a connection to the server and that can cause issues on bootup. Instead what you want to do is setup automounting so that you can connect to the NFS server when you need to. This is done with the automount tool or in recent versions of Linux amd. When a file is accessed in a specified directory, automount will look up the remote server and automatically mount it.


Read the manpage for NFS to learn more.

Quiz Question

# What tool is used to manage mount points automatically? > You can mount NFS file system resources by using a client-side service called automounting (or AutoFS), which enables a system to automatically mount and unmount NFS resources whenever you access them. The resource remains mounted as long as you remain in the directory and are using a file. 1. [ ] NFS 2. [ ] gpart 3. [ ] mount 4. [x] automount

5. Samba

Lesson Content

In the early days of computing, it became necessary for Windows machines to share files with Linux machines, thus the Server Message Block (SMB) protocol was born. SMB was used for sharing files between Windows operating systems (Mac also has file sharing with SMB) and then it was later cleaned up and optimized in the form of the Common Internet File System (CIFS) protocol.

Samba is what we call the Linux utilities to work with CIFS on Linux. In addition to file sharing, you can also share resources like printers.

Create a network share with Samba

Let’s go through the basic steps to create a network share that a Windows machine can access:

Install Samba

$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install samba

Setup smb.conf

The configuration file for Samba is found at /etc/samba/smb.conf, this file should tell the system what directories should be shared, their access permissions, and more options. The default smb.conf comes with lots of commented code already and you can use those as an example to write your own configurations.

$ sudo vi /etc/samba/smb.conf

Setup up a password for Samba

$ sudo smbpasswd -a [username]

Create a shared directory

$ mkdir /my/directory/to/share

Restart the Samba service

$ sudo service smbd restart

Accessing a Samba share via Windows

In Windows, just type in the network connection in the run prompt: \HOST\sharename.

Accessing a Samba/Windows share via Linux

$ smbclient //HOST/directory -U user

The Samba package includes a command line tool called smbclient that you can use to access any Windows or Samba server. Once you’re connected to the share you can navigate and transfer files.

Attach a Samba share to your system

Instead of transferring files one by one, you can just mount the network share on your system.

$ sudo mount -t cifs servername:directory mountpount -o user=username,pass=password


Setup a Samba share, if you don’t have one, open up smb.conf and familiarize yourself with the options in the config file.

Quiz Question

# What is the latest protocol used for file transfer between Windows and Linux? > Common Internet File System (CIFS), an implementation of the Server Message Block (SMB) protocol, is used to share file systems, printers, or serial ports over a network. Notably, CIFS allows sharing files between Linux and Windows platforms regardless of version. 1. [ ] TCP/IP 2. [ ] HTTPS 3. [ ] SSH 4. [x] CIFS
Chapter 2

2. Network Basics

Learn about networking basics and the TCP/IP model.

Subsections of 2. Network Basics

1. Network Basics

Lesson Content

Let’s look at a typical home network, you have a few different components.

  • ISP - Your internet service provider, the company you pay to get Internet at your house.
  • Router - The router allows each machine on your network to connect to the Internet. In most modern routers, you can connect via wireless or an Ethernet cable.
  • WAN - Wide Area Network, this is what we call the network that encompasses everything between your router and a wider network such the Internet.
  • WLAN - Wireless Local Area Network, this is the network between your router and any wireless devices you may have such as laptops.
  • LAN - Local Area Network, this is the network between your router and any wired devices such as Desktop PCs.
  • Hosts - Each machine on a network is known as a host.

The data and information that gets transmitted through networks are known as packets and by the end of the Networking Nomad section, you’ll understand in detail how a packet travels to and from hosts.


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Quiz Question

# What is the local area network known as? > - A local area network (LAN) consists of a series of computers linked together to form a network in a circumscribed location. The computers in a LAN connect to each other via TCP/IP ethernet or Wi-Fi. > - LANs are used mainly for resource sharing. Expensive hardware like laser printers and CD/ROM drives can be shared by several users when they are attached to a network. Further, purchasing a network version of software cuts the costs of purchasing them for each and every computer. 1. [ ] WAN 2. [ ] PAN 3. [ ] MAN 4. [x] LAN

2. OSI Model

Lesson Content

Before we can look at some practical networking stuff, we have to go over some boring jargon that you’ve probably heard of before. The OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) model is a theoretical model of networking. This model shows us how a packet traverses through a network in seven different layers. I won’t get into specifics of this model, since most of these networking courses will be focused on the TCP/IP model, but it should be mentioned that such a theoretical networking model exists and has actually played a large part in the TCP/IP networking model that we use today.


Read more about the OSI model: OSI Model

Quiz Question

# What is used as the theoretical model of networking? > - The OSI model is a theoretical model for understanding the various components of data communications. However, today, most data communications use the TCP/IP model, which includes the same functions but does not outline the various communication layers as clearly as OSI > - In the OSI reference model, the communications between a computing system are split into seven different abstraction layers: Physical, Data Link, Network, Transport, Session, Presentation, and Application. 1. [ ] TCP/IP 2. [x] OSI

3. TCP/IP Model

Lesson Content

The OSI model gave birth to what eventually became the TCP/IP model and this model is actually what the Internet is based off of. It is the actual implementation of networking. The TCP/IP model uses the TCP/IP protocol suite, which we just commonly refer to as TCP/IP. These protocols work together to specify how data should be gathered, addressed, transmitted and routed through a network. Using the TCP/IP model, we can see how these protocols are used to show the breakdown of how a packet travels through the network.

Application Layer

The top layer of the TCP/IP model. It determines how your computer’s programs (such as your web browser) interface with the transport layer services to view the data that gets sent or received.

This layer uses:

  • HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) - used for the webpages on the Internet.
  • SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) - electronic mail (email) transmission

Transport Layer

How data will be transmitted, includes checking the correct ports, the integrity of the data, and basically delivering our packets.

This layer uses:

  • TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) - reliable data delivery
  • UDP (User Datagram Protocol) - unreliable data delivery

Network Layer

This layers specifies how to move packets between hosts and across networks.

This layer uses:

  • IP (Internet Protocol) - Helps route packets from one machine to another.
  • ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) - Helps tell us what is going on, such as error messages and debugging information.

Link Layer

This layer specifies how to send data across a physical piece of hardware. Such as data travelling through Ethernet, fiber, etc.

The lists above of protocols each layer uses is not extensive and you’ll encounter many other protocols that come into play.

In the following lessons, we will dive through each of these layers and discuss how our packet traverses through the network in the eyes of the TCP/IP model (there are many perspectives on how a packet travels across networks, we won’t look at them all, but be aware that they exist).


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Quiz Question

# What is the top layer of the TCP/IP model? > There are four layers of the TCP/IP model: network access, internet, transport, and application. Used together, these layers are a suite of protocols. 1. [ ] Link 2. [ ] Transport 3. [ ] Network 4. [x] Application

4. Network Addressing

Lesson Content

Before we jump into seeing how a packet moves across a network, we have to familiarize ourselves with some terminology. When you mail a letter, you must know who it is being sent to and where it is coming from. Packets need the same information, our hosts and other hosts are identified using MAC (media access control) addresses and IP addresses, to make it easier on us humans we use hostnames to identify a host.

MAC Addresses

A MAC address is a unique identifier used as a hardware address. This address will never change. When you want to get access to the Internet, your machine needs to have a device called a network interface card. This network adapter has its own hardware address that’s used to identify your machine. A MAC address for an Ethernet device looks something like this 00:C4:B5:45:B2:43. MAC addresses are given to network adapters when they are manufactured. Each manufacturer has an organizationally unique identifier (OUI) to identify them as the manufacturer. This OUI is denoted by the first 3 bytes of the MAC address. For example, Dell has 00-14-22, so a network adapter from Dell could have a MAC address like: 00-14-22-34-B2-C2.

IP Addresses

An IP Address is used to identify a device on a network, they are hardware independent and can vary in syntax depending on if you are using IPv4 or IPv6 (more on this later). For now we’ll assume you are using IPv4, so a typical IP address would look like: IP addresses are used with the software side of networking. Anytime a system is connected to the Internet it should have an IP address. They can also change if your network changes and are unique to the entire Internet (this isn’t always the case once we learn about NAT).

Remember it takes both software and hardware to move packets across networks, so we have two identifiers for each, MAC (hardware) and IP (software).


One last way to identify your machines is through hostname. Hostnames take your IP address and allow you to tie that address to a human readable name. Instead of remembering you can just remember myhost.com.


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Quiz Question

# How many bytes are in an IPv4 address? > An IPv4 address is 32 bits. An IP Address is shown as 4 decimal numbers representing 4 bytes: `d.d.d.d` where d = decimal number (0 - 255). High order bits are the network identifier and lower order bits are the host identifier. 1. [ ] 32 2. [ ] 16 3. [ ] 8 4. [x] 4

5. Application Layer

Lesson Content

Let’s say I wanted to send an email to Patty. We’ll go through each of the TCP/IP layers to see this in action.

Remember that packets are used to transmit data across networks, a packet consists of a header and payload. The header contains information about where the packet is going and where it came from. The payload is the actual data that is being transferred. As our packet traverses the network, each layer adds a bit of information to the header of the packet. Also keep in mind that different layers use a different term for our “packet”. In the transport layer we essentially encapsulate our data in a segment and in the link layer we refer to this as a frame, but just know that packet can be used in regards to the same thing.

First we start off in the application layer. When we send our email through our email client, the application layer will encapsulate this data. The application layer talks to the transport layer through a specified port and through this port it sends its data. We want to send an email through the application layer protocol SMTP (simple mail transfer protocol). The data is sent through our transport protocol which opens a connection to this port (port 25 is used for SMTP), so we get this data sent through this port and that data is sent to the Transport layer to be encapsulated into segments.


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Quiz Question

# What layer is used to present the packet data in a user friendly format? > The application layer of the TCP/IP model is the layer that provides the interface between the applications, is responsible for formatting, compressing, andencrypting data, and is used to create and maintain dialogs between source and destination applications. 1. [ ] Link 2. [ ] Transport 3. [ ] Network 4. [x] Application

6. Transport Layer

Lesson Content

The transports layer helps us transfer our data in a way networks can read it. It breaks our data into chunks that will be transported and put back together in the correct order. These chunks are known as segments. Segments make it easier to transport data across networks.


Even though we know where we are sending our data via IP addresses, they aren’t specific enough to send our data to a certain processes or services. Services such as HTTP use a communication channel via ports. If we want to send webpage data, we need to send it over the HTTP port (port 80). In addition to forming segments, the transport layer will also attach the source and destination ports to the segment, so when the receiver gets the final packet it will know what port to use.


There are two popular transport protocols UDP and TCP. We’ll briefly discuss UDP and spend most of our time on TCP, since it’s the most commonly used.

UDP is not a reliable method of transporting data, in fact it doesn’t really care if you get all of your original data. This may sound terrible, but it does have its uses, such as for media streaming, it’s ok if you lose some frames in return you get your data a little faster.


TCP provides a reliable connection-oriented stream of data. TCP uses ports to send data to and from hosts. An application opens up a connection from one port on its host to another port on a remote host. In order to establish the connection, we use the TCP handshake.

  • The client (connecting process) sends a SYN segment to the server to request a connection
  • Server sends the client a SYN-ACK segment to acknowledge the client’s connection request
  • Client sends an ACK to the server to acknowledge the server’s connection request

Once this connection is established, data can be exchanged over a TCP connection. The data is sent over in different segments and are tracked with TCP sequence numbers so they can be arranged in the correct order when they are delivered. In our email example, the transport layer attaches the destination port (25) to the source port of the source host.


No exercises for this lesson.

Quiz Question

# What is a reliable transport protocol? > A reliable transport protocol is a protocol that (attempts to) provide reliability on a best-effort network. In addition to reliability, TCP also provides ​congestion control​, which we'll get to in a few lectures. This hands-on is all about reliability. 1. [ ] HTTP 2. [ ] UDP 3. [ ] SSH 4. [x] TCP

7. Network Layer

Lesson Content

The Network layer determines the routing of our packets from our source host to a destination host. Fortunately in our example, our packet is only traveling within the same network, but the Internet is made up of many networks. These smaller networks that make up the Internet are known as subnets. All subnets connect to each other in some way, which is why we are able to get to www.google.com even though it’s on its own network. I won’t go into detail as we have a whole course dedicated to subnets, but for now in regards to our Network layer, know that the IP addresses define the rules to travel to different subnets.

In the network layer, it receives the segment coming from the transport layer and encapsulates this segment in an IP packet then attaches the IP address of the source host and the IP address of the destination host to the packet header. So at this point, our packet has information about where it is going and where it came from. Now it sends our packet to the physical hardware layer.


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Quiz Question

# What are smaller networks that make up the Internet called? > A subnet, or subnetwork, is a segmented piece of a larger network. More specifically, subnets are a logical partition of an IP network into multiple, smaller network segments. The Internet Protocol (IP) is the method for sending data from one computer to another over the internet. 1. [ ] TCP/IP 2. [ ] HTTPS 3. [ ] IPV4 4. [x] subnets

8. Link Layer

Lesson Content

At the bottom of the TCP/IP model sits the Link Layer. This layer is the hardware specific layer.

In the link layer, our packet is encapsulated once more into something called a frame. The frame header attaches the source and destination MAC addresses of our hosts, checksums and packet separators so that the receiver can tell when a packet ends.

Fortunately we are on the same network, so our packet won’t have to travel too far. First, the link layer attaches my source MAC address to the frame header, but it needs to know Patty’s MAC address as well. How does it know that and how do I find it since it’s not on the Internet? We use ARP!

ARP (Address Resolution Protocol)

ARP finds the MAC address associated with an IP address. ARP is used within the same network. If Patty was not on the same network, we would use a routing system to determine the next router that would receive the packet and once we were on the same network, we could use ARP.

Once we are on the same network, systems first use the ARP look-up table that stores information about what IP addresses are associated with what MAC address. If the value is not there, then ARP is used. Then the system will send a broadcast message to the network using the ARP protocol to find out which host has IP A broadcast message is a special message that is sent to all hosts on a network (aptly named for sending a broadcast). Any machine with the requested IP address will reply with an ARP packet containing the IP address and the MAC address.

Now that we have all the necessary data we need, IP address and MAC addresses, our link layer forwards this frame through our network interface card, out to the next device and finds Patty’s network. This step is a little more complex than how I just explained it, but we will discuss more details in the Routing course.

And there it is a simple (or not so simple) packet traversal down the TCP/IP layer. Keep in mind that packets don’t travel in a one way fashion like this. We haven’t even gotten to Patty’s network yet! When travelling through networks, it requires going through the TCP/IP model at least twice before any data is sent or received. In reality, the way this packet looks would be something like this:

Packet Traversal

  1. Pete sends Patty an email: this data gets sent to the transport layer.
  2. The transport layer encapsulates the data into a TCP or UDP header to form a segment, the segment attaches the destination and source TCP or UDP port, then the segment is sent to the network layer.
  3. The network layer encapsulates the TCP segment inside an IP packet, it attaches the source and destination IP address. Then routes the packet to the link layer.
  4. The packet then reaches Pete’s physical hardware and gets encapsulated in a frame. The source and destination MAC address get added to the frame.
  5. Patty’s receives this data frame through her physical layer and checks each frame for data integrity, then de-encapsulates the frame contents and sends the IP packet to the network layer.
  6. The network layer reads the packet to find the source and destination IP that was previously attached. It checks if its IP is the same as the destination IP, which it is! It de-encapsulates the packet and sends the segment to the transport layer.
  7. The transport layer de-encapsulates the segments, checks the TCP or UDP port numbers and makes a connection to the application layer based on those port numbers.
  8. The application layer receives the data from the transport layer on the port that was specified and presents it to Patty in the form of the final email message


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Quiz Question

# What is used to find the MAC address on the same network? > Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) is the method for finding a host's Link Layer (MAC) address when only its IP address is known. The ARP table is used to maintain a correlation between each MAC address and its corresponding IP address. 1. [ ] LAN 2. [ ] MAC 3. [ ] IP 4. [x] ARP

9. DHCP Overview

Lesson Content

An important networking concept that we did not go over yet is DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)

DHCP assigns IP addresses, subnet masks and gateways to our machines. For example, let’s say you have a cell phone and you want to get a cell phone number to start talking to people. You have to call up your phone carrier and they will give you a number. As long as your pay your bills you can keep using your phone. DHCP is the phone carrier in this case, it gives you an IP address so that you can talk to other IP addresses. You are also leased an IP address, these last for a certain period of time, then will get renewed depending on how you have your lease settings.

DHCP is great for many reasons, it allows a network administrator to not worry about assigning IP addresses and it also prevents them from setting up duplicate IP addresses. Every physical network should have its own DHCP server so that a host can request an IP address. In a regular home setting, the router usually acts as the DHCP server.

The way DHCP gets all your dynamic host information is:

  1. DHCP DISCOVER - This message is broadcasted to search for a DHCP server.
  2. DHCP OFFER - The DHCP server in the network replies with an offer message. The offer contains a packet with DHCP lease time, subnet mask, IP address, etc.
  3. DHCP REQUEST - The client sends out another broadcast to let all DHCP servers know which offer it accepted.
  4. DHCP ACK - Acknowledgement is sent by the server.

DHCP gets more involved than this, but this is the gist of it.


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Quiz Question

# What are the steps in a DHCP request? > DHCP operations fall into four phases: server discovery, IP lease offer, IP lease request, and IP lease acknowledgement. These stages are often abbreviated as DORA for discovery, offer, request, and acknowledgement. 1. [ ] REQUEST, ACK, OFFER, DISCOVER 2. [ ] REQUEST, DISCOVER, OFFER, ACK 3. [ ] REQUEST, ACK, DISCOVER, OFFER 4. [x] DISCOVER, OFFER, REQUEST, ACK
Chapter 3

3. Subnetting

Learn about subnets and how to do subnet arithmetic!

Subsections of 3. Subnetting

1. IPv4

Lesson Content

So we know that network hosts have a unique address they can be found at. These addresses are known as IP addresses. An IPv4 address looks something like this:

This address actually contains two parts, the network portion that tells us know network it’s on and the host portion that tells us which host on that network it is. For this course we will mostly be discussing IPv4 addresses, which are what you commonly will see when referring to IP addresses.

An IP address is separated into octets by the periods. So there are 4 octets in an IPv4 address. If you know a bit of computer science, an octet is 8 bits and 8 bits actually equal 1 byte, so we also refer to an IPv4 address as having 4 bytes. We use bits frequently when dealing with subnets and IP addresses.

You can view your IP address with the ifconfig -a command:

pete@icebox:~$ ifconfig -a
eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 1d:3a:32:24:4d:ce  
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: fd60::21c:29ff:fe63:5cdc/64 Scope:Link

As you can see my IPv4 address is:


Find your IP address with ifconfig.

Quiz Question

# How many bytes are in an IPv4 address? > An IPv4 address is 32 bits. An IP Address is shown as 4 decimal numbers representing 4 bytes: d.d.d.d where d = decimal number (0 - 255). High order bits are the network identifier and lower order bits are the host identifier. 1. [ ] 32 2. [ ] 16 3. [ ] 8 4. [x] 4

2. Subnets

Lesson Content

How can I tell if I’m on the same network as Patty? Well we can just look at the subnet short for subnetwork. A subnet is a group of hosts with IP addresses that are similar in a certain way. These hosts usually are in a proximate location from each other and you can easily send data to and from hosts on the same subnet. Think about it as sending mail in the same zip code, it’s a lot easier than sending mail to a different state.

For example, all hosts with an IP address that starts with 123.45.67 would be on the same subnet. My host has an IP of and Patty’s has an IP of The common numbers are my network prefix and the 8 and 9 are our hosts, therefore my network is the same as Patty’s. A subnet is divided into a network prefix, such as and a subnet mask.

Subnet Masks

Subnet masks determine what part of your IP address is the network portion and what part is the host portion.

A typical subnet mask can look something like this:

The 255 portion is actually our mask. To make this a little easier to understand, remember how we refer to each octet as 8 bits? In computer science a bit is denoted by a 0 or a 1 in binary form. When binary numbers are used, 1 means on and 0 means off. So what does 8 0’s or 1’s equal?

Punch into Google “binary to decimal calculator” and convert 11111111 into a decimal form. What do you get? 255! So an octet ranges from 0 to 255. So if we had a subnet mask of, and an IP address of, how many hosts are on that subnet? We’ll find out the answer to that in our subnet math lesson.

Also when we talk about our subnet, we commonly denote it by the network prefix followed by the subnet mask:


Why on earth do we make subnets? Subnetting is used to segment networks and control the flow of traffic within that network. So a host on one subnet can’t interact with another host on a different subnet.

But wait a minute, what if I want to connect to other hosts like yahoo.com? Then you need to connect subnets together. To connect subnets you just need to find the hosts that are connected to more than one subnet. For example, if my host at is connected to a local network of it can reach any hosts on that network. To reach hosts on the rest of the Internet, it needs to communicate through the router. Traditionally, on most networks with a subnet mask of, the router is usually at address 1 of the subnet, so Now that router will have a port that connects it to another subnet (more in the Routing course). Certain IP addresses (private networks) are not visible to the internet, and we have things like NAT in place (more on this later).


Use ifconfig to view your subnet mask.

Quiz Question

# True or false, a subnet consists of a subnet mask and network prefix. > Subnet masks (IPv4) and prefixes (IPv6) identify the range of IP addresses that make up a subnet, or group of IP addresses on the same network. For example, a subnet can be used to identify all the machines in a building, department, geographic location, or on the same local area network (LAN). 1. [ ] False 2. [x] True

3. Subnet Math

Lesson Content

Ok, we know that subnet masks are important to figure out how many hosts we can have on our subnet. So how many hosts would that be?

Let’s say I have an IP address of and a subnet mask of, now let’s line up these numbers in binary form. For now use an online calculator to convert these values from decimal to binary.  = 11000000.10101000.00000001.10100101  = 11111111.11111111.11111111.00000000

The IP address is masked by our subnet mask, when you see a 1, it is masked and we pretend like we don’t see it. So the only possible hosts we can have are from the 00000000 region. Remember 11111111 in binary form equals 255, we also account 0 as a host number, so there are 256 possible options. However, it may look like we have 256 possible options, but we actually subtract 2 hosts because we have to account for the broadcast address and the subnet address, leaving us with 254 possible hosts on our subnet. So we know that we can have hosts with IP addresses ranging from -


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Quiz Question

# What is the binary equivalent of 255? > - Divide 255 by 2. Use the integer quotient obtained in this step as the dividend for the next step. Repeat the process until the quotient becomes 0. Write the remainder from bottom to top i.e. in the reverse chronological order. This will give the binary equivalent of 255. > - | Devidend | Remainder | |:-----------:|:---------:| | 255/2 = 127 | 1 | | 127/2 = 63 | 1 | | 63/2 = 31 | 1 | | 31/2 = 15 | 1 | | 15/2 = 7 | 1 | | 7/2 = 3 | 1 | | 3/2 = 1 | 1 | | 1/2 = 0 | 1 | 1. [ ] 00000000 2. [ ] 11101101 3. [ ] 01010101 4. [x] 11111111

4. Subnetting Cheats

Lesson Content

I hate to have to add this section, in the real world you would most likely never have to do subnet math by hand, however if you were getting interviewed on this, you’ll have to know how to convert to and from binary form for subnetting. Luckily there are some arithmetic cheats you can memorize.

First memorize your base-2 calculations, just do it:

  • 2^1 = 2
  • 2^2 = 4
  • 2^3 = 8
  • 2^4 = 16
  • 2^5 = 32
  • 2^6 = 64
  • 2^7 = 128
  • 2^8 = 256
  • 2^9 = 512
  • 2^10 = 1024
  • 2^11 = 2048
  • 2^12 = 4096

Decimal to Binary Chart

1   1  1  1  1 1 1 1
128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1

There are lots of reasons why the following chart looks the way it does, if you’re curious how it works there are lots of resources online.

Ok, got these memorized? Let’s do a quick decimal to binary conversion:

Convert to Binary

Remember: 128 / 64 / 32 / 16 / 8 / 4 / 2 / 1

Let’s walk through converting the first octet to binary and you’ll understand how the rest works.

  1. Can you subtract 192 - 128? Yes, so the first bit is 1
  2. 192 - 128 = 64, the next number in the chart is 64, can you subtract 64 - 64? Yes, so the second bit is 1
  3. We’ve run out of numbers to subtract from, so our binary form of 192 is 11000000

Convert Binary 11000000 to Decimal

For binary to decimal conversion you add up the numbers that have a 1, so:

128 + 64 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 = 192!


Look at your IP address and subnet mask and see how many hosts you can have on your subnet.

Quiz Question

# What is the binary conversion of 123? > - Divide 123 by 2. Use the integer quotient obtained in this step as the dividend for the next step. Repeat the process until the quotient becomes 0. Write the remainder from bottom to top i.e. in the reverse chronological order. This will give the binary equivalent of 123. > - | Dividend | Remainder | |:----------:|:---------:| | 123/2 = 61 | 1 | | 61/2 = 30 | 1 | | 30/2 = 15 | 0 | | 15/2 = 7 | 1 | | 7/2 = 3 | 1 | | 3/2 = 1 | 1 | | 1/2 = 0 | 1 | Quiz Answer 1. [ ] 0000000 2. [ ] 1110110 3. [ ] 0101010 4. [x] 1111011


Lesson Content

CIDR (classless inter-domain routing) is used to represent a subnet mask in a more compact way. You may see subnets notated in CIDR notation, where a subnet such as the is written as which just means it includes both the subnet prefix and the subnet mask.

Remember an IP address consists of 4 bytes or 32 bits, CIDR indicates the amount of bits used as the network prefix. So means that the first 23 bits are used. Well what does that mean? How many hosts is that?

A simple trick is to subtract the total of bits an IP address can have (32) from the CIDR address (23), so that leaves 9 bits, 2^9 = 512, but we have to remove 2 addresses (subnet address and broadcast address) so we have 510 usable hosts.


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Quiz Question

No questions move along!

6. NAT

Lesson Content

We’ve brought up NAT (network address translation) before but didn’t touch upon it, when we are working on our network, does that mean that the Internet can see our IP address? Not quite.

NAT makes a device like our router act as an intermediary between the Internet and private network. So only a single, unique IP address is required to represent an entire group of computers.

Think of NAT is like a receptionist in a large office, if someone wants to contact you, they only know the number to the whole office, the receptionist would then have to look for your extension number and forward the call to you.

How does it work?

A simple case would look like this:

  1. Patty wants to connect to www.google.com, so her machine sends this request through the router
  2. The router takes that request and opens its own connection to google.com, then it sends Patty’s request once it makes a connection
  3. The router is the intermediary between Patty and www.google.com. Google doesn’t know about Patty instead all it can see is the router.

NAT and packet routing in general can get pretty ugly, but we won’t dive into the specifics.


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Quiz Question

# What is used to represent a single private address to the Internet? >NAT stands for network address translation. It's a way to map multiple private addresses inside a local network to a public IP address before transferring the information onto the internet. Organizations that want multiple devices to employ a single IP address use NAT, as do most home routers. 1. [ ] Port 2. [ ] MAC 3. [ ] IP 4. [x] NAT

7. IPv6

Lesson Content

We’ve heard the term IPv6 here and there, but what is it? Every device that connects to the Internet gets it’s own IP address, well that happens to be a finite number that we are soon approaching in this digital age. IPv6 was created to allow us to connect more hosts to the Internet, it comes with more IP improvements however, it’s adoption is quite slow. It isn’t meant to replace IPv4, they are meant to complement each other. The two IP protocols are very similar and if you know IPv4 you’ll understand IPv6, the major difference is the way the address is written. Here is what a typical IPv6 address looks like:



Check ifconfig to see if you have an IPv6 address listed.

Quiz Question

# What IP address is used to help increase the number of hosts that can connect to the Internet? > IPv6 is the newest version of internet protocol formulated by the IETF, which helps identify and local endpoint systems on a computer network and route online traffic while addressing the problem of IPv4 address depletion due to prolonged internet use worldwide. 1. [ ] IPv4 2. [x] IPv6
Chapter 4

4. Routing

Learn how packets are routed across networks!

Subsections of 4. Routing

1. What Is a Router?

Lesson Content

We’ve used this term router before, hopefully you know what one is, since you probably have one in your home. A router enables machines on a network to communicate with each other as well as other networks. On a typical router, you will have LAN ports, that allow your machines to connect to the same local area network and you will also have an Internet uplink port that connects you to the Internet, sometimes you’ll see this port being labelled as WAN, because it is essentially connecting you to a wider network. When we do any sort of networking activity, it has to go through the router. The router decides where our network packets go and which ones come in. It routes our packets between multiple networks to get from it’s source host to it’s destination host.

How does a router work?

Think about routing the same way as mail delivery, we have an address we want to send a letter to, when we send it off to the post office, they get the letter and see, oh this is going to California, I’ll put it on the truck going to California (I honestly have no idea how the postal system works). The letter then gets sent to San Francisco, inside San Francisco there are different zip codes, and then in those zip codes there are smaller address codes, until finally someone is able to deliver your letter to the address you wanted. On the other hand, if you already lived in San Francisco and in the same zipcode, the mail deliverer will probably know exactly where the letter has to go to without handing it off to anyone else.

When we route packets, they use similar address “routes”, such as to get to network A, send these packets to network B. When we don’t have a route set for that, we have a default route that our packets will use. These routes are set on a routing table that our system uses to navigate us across networks.


As packets move across networks, they travel in hops, a hop is how we roughly measure the distance that the packet must travel to get from the source to the destination. Let’s say to I have two routers connecting host A to host B, so therefore we say there are two hops between host A and host B. Each hop is a intermediate device like the routers that we must pass through.

Understanding the basic difference between Switching, Routing & Flooding? Packet SWITCHING is basically receiving, processing and forwarding data to the destination device. ROUTING is a process of creating the routing table, so that we can do SWITCHING better. Before routing, FLOODING was used. If a router don’t know which way to send a packet than every incoming packet is sent through every outgoing link except the one it arrived on.


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Quiz Question

# How do packets measure distance? > Data packets pass through routers as they travel between source and destination. The hop count refers to the number of network devices through which data passes from source to destination (depending on routing protocol, this may include the source/destination, that is, the first hop is counted as hop 0 or hop 1). 1. [ ] Port 2. [ ] router 3. [ ] switch 4. [x] hops

2. Routing Table

Lesson Content

Look at your machine’s routing table:

pete@icebox:~$ sudo route -n
Kernel IP routing table
Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface         UG    0      0        0 eth0   U     1      0        0 eth0


In the first field, we have a destination IP address of, this says that any packet that tries to go to this network, goes out through my Ethernet cable (eth0). If I was and wanted to get to, I would just use the network interface eth0 directly.

Notice that we have addresses of this means that no address is specified or it’s unknown. So if for example, I wanted to send a packet to IP address, our routing table doesn’t know where that goes, so it denotes it as and therefore routes our packet to the Gateway.


If we are sending a packet that is not on the same network, it will be sent to this Gateway address. Which is aptly named as being a Gateway to another network.


This is the subnet mask, used to figure out what IP addresses match what destination.


  • UG - Network is Up and is a Gateway
  • U - Network is Up


This is the interface that our packet will be going out of, eth0 usually stands for the first Ethernet device on your system.


Look at your routing table and see where your packets can go.

Quiz Question

# Where are packets routed to if our routing table doesn't know? > - If a router doesn't know where to route a packet (ie. it has no route to the destination) it drops the packet. It is supposed to return an ICMP Destination network unreachable to the source but not all routers do that. > - he gateway of last resort is the gateway of the default route entry - the default route fits all destinations, ie. the router will never drop a packet lacking a route if a default route is set. 1. [ ] Iface 2. [ ] Genmask 3. [ ] Flags 4. [x] Gateway

3. Path of a Packet

Lesson Content

Let’s look at how a packet travels within it’s local network

  1. First the local machine will compare the destination IP address to see if it’s in the same subnet by looking at its subnet mask.
  2. When packets are sent they need to have a source MAC address, destination MAC address, source IP address and destination IP address, at this point we do not know the destination MAC address.
  3. To get to the destination host, we use ARP to broadcast a request on the local network to find the MAC address of the destination host.
  4. Now the packet can be successfully sent!

Let’s see how a packet travels outside it’s network

  1. First the local machine will compare the destination IP address, since it’s outside of our network, it does not see the MAC address of the destination host. And we can’t use ARP because the ARP request is a broadcast to locally connected hosts.
  2. So our packet now looks at the routing table, it doesn’t know the address of the destination IP, so it sends it out to the default gateway (another router). So now our packet contains our source IP, destination IP and source MAC, however we don’t have a destination MAC. Remember MAC addresses are only reached through the same network. So what does it do? It sends an ARP request to get the MAC address of the default gateway.
  3. The router looks at the packet and confirms the destination MAC address, but it’s not the final destination IP address, so it keeps looking at the routing table to forward the packet to another IP address that can help the packet move along to its destination. Everytime the packet moves, it strips the old source and destination MAC address and updates the packet with the new source and destination MAC addresses.
  4. Once the packet gets forwarded to the same network, we use ARP to find the final destination MAC address
  5. During this process, our packet doesn’t change the source or destination IP address.


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Quiz Question

# How do we find the MAC address of an IP address? > To do so, you need to open a Command Prompt window and enter the command “arp -a”. That way you will get all of the IP addresses that are active on your network. You will get a list with the physical address, which is the MAC address and the corresponding IP address. 1. [ ] Port 2. [ ] MAC 3. [ ] IP 4. [x] ARP

4. Routing Protocols

Lesson Content

It would be a pain to have to manually configure routes on a routing table for every device on your network, so instead we use what are known as routing protocols. Routing protocols are used to help our system adapt to network changes, it learns of different routes, builds them in the routing table and then routes our packets through that way. There are two primary routing protocol types, distance vector protocols and link state protocols.


Before we talk about the protocols, we should go over a term using in routing known as convergence. When using routing protocols, routers communicate with other routers to collect and exchange information about the network. When they agree on how a network should look, every routing table maps out the complete topology of the network, thus “converging”. When something occurs in the network topology, the convergence will temporarily break until all routers are aware of this change.


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Quiz Question

# What is the term used when all routing tables know the network topology? > A routing table is a set of rules, often viewed in table format, that's used to determine where data packets traveling over an Internet Protocol (IP) network will be directed. This table is usually stored inside the Random Access Memory of forwarding devices, such as routers and network switches. 1. [ ] Flooding 2. [ ] ARK 3. [ ] divergence 4. [x] convergence

5. Distance Vector Protocols

Lesson Content

Distance vector protocols determine the path of other networks using the hop count a packet takes across the network. If network A was 3 hops away and network B was next to network A, then we assume it must be 4 hops away. In distance vector protocols, the next route would be the one with the least amount of hops.

Distance vector protocols are great for small networks, when networks start to scale it takes longer for the routers to converge because it periodically sends the entire routing table out to every router. Another downside to distance vector protocols is efficiency, it chooses routes that are closer in hops, but it may not always choose the most efficient route.

One of the common distance vector protocols is RIP (Routing Information Protocol), it broadcasts the routing table to every router in the network every 30 seconds. For a large network, this can take some serious juice to pull off, because of that RIP limits it’s hop count to 15.


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Quiz Question

# True or false, distance protocols use the route with the least amount of bandwidth? > Distance vector protocols also use more bandwidth because they send complete routing table, while the link state procotols send specific updates only when topology changes occur. 1. [ ] True 2. [x] false

6. Link State Protocols

Lesson Content

Link state protocols are great for large scale networks, they are more complex than distance vector protocols, however a large upside is their ability to converge quickly, this is because instead of periodically sending out the whole routing table, they only send updates to neighboring routes. They use a different algorithm to calculate the shortest path first and construct their network topology in the form of a graph to show which routers are connected to other routers.

One of the common link state protocols is OSPF (Open Shortest Path First), it only updates the routing tables if there was a network change. It doesn’t have a hop limit.


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Quiz Question

# What is one of the most common link state protocols? > The Open Shortest Path First Protocol (OSPF) One of the most widely used link-state routing protocols is OSPF. 1. [ ] FTP 2. [ ] HTTP 3. [ ] IP 4. [x] OSPF

7. Border Gateway Protocol

Lesson Content

The last important protocol we’ll discuss is BGP, BGP is basically how the Internet runs. It’s used to collect and exchange routing information among autonomous systems. Think of an autonomous system as an Internet service provider, a company, university, any organization, etc. Without BGP, these systems would not know how to talk to each other, they would just be siloed off. Instead of routing inside these autonomous systems, BGP routes between them.

Let’s say you were on your home network and I’m working from Starbucks, I want to be able to communicate with you, so I send an email and the network packet travels through Starbuck’s network, it bounces around there and goes through the routing tables in Starbuck’s network until it finally reaches a point at the border of the Starbucks network and passes it to a Border Gateway router. This router contains the information for my packet to leave the Starbucks network and traverse other networks.


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Quiz Question

# What protocol basically makes the Internet work? > The Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) routes data packets on the internet. It is the routing protocol responsible for interpreting where to send data and finding the best route for it to take. The internet consists of many different interconnected networks called autonomous systems (AS). 1. [ ] WWW 2. [ ] HTTP 3. [ ] IP 4. [x] BGP
Chapter 5

5. Network Config

Learn about network configuration using Linux tools!

Subsections of 5. Network Config

1. Network Interfaces

Lesson Content

A network interface is how the kernel links up the software side of networking to the hardware side. We’ve already seen an example of this:

pete@icebox:~$ ifconfig -a
eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 1d:3a:32:24:4d:ce  
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: fd60::21c:29ff:fe63:5cdc/64 Scope:Link

The ifconfig command

The ifconfig tool allows us to configure our network interfaces, if we don’t have any network interfaces set up, the kernel’s device drivers and the network won’t know how to talk to each other. Ifconfig runs on bootup and configures our interfaces through config files, but we can also manually modify them. The output of ifconfig shows the interface name on the left side and the right side shows detailed information. You’ll most commonly see interfaces named eth0 (first Ethernet card in the machine), wlan0 (wireless interface), lo (loopback interface). The loopback interface is used to represent your computer, it just loops you back to yourself. This is good for debugging or connecting to servers running locally.

The status of interfaces, can be up or down, as you can guess if you wanted to “turn off” an interface you can set it to go down. The fields you’ll probably look at the most in the ifconfig output is the HWaddr (MAC address of the interface), inet address (IPv4 address) and inet6 (IPv6 address). Of course you can see that the subnet mask and broadcast address are there as well. You can also view interface information at /etc/network/interfaces.

To create an interface and bring it up

$ ifconfig eth0 netmask up

This assigns an IP address and netmask to the eth0 interface and also turns it up.

To bring up or down an interface

$ ifup eth0
$ ifdown eth0

The ip command

The ip command also allows us to manipulate the networking stack of a system. Depending on the distribution you are using it may be the preferred method of manipulating your network settings.

Here are some examples of its use:

To show interface information for all interfaces

$ ip link show

To show the statistics of an interface

$ ip -s link show eth0

To show ip addresses allocated to interfaces

$ ip address show

To bring interfaces up and down

$ ip link set eth0 up
$ ip link set eth0 down

To add an IP address to an interface

$ ip address add dev eth0


Try changing the state of your network interfaces to either up or down and observe what happens.

Can you change your network interface’s with both the ifconfig and ip commands ?

Quiz Question

# What is the command to configure our network interfaces? >To configure the IP addresses later, you should use the ifconfig command. You can configure both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses for a network interface. 1. [ ] setnet 2. [ ] netconfig 3. [ ] ipconfuig 4. [x] ifconfig

2. route

Lesson Content

We’ve already discussed viewing our routing tables with the route command, if you wanted to add or remove routes you can do so manually.

Add a new route

$ sudo route add -net gw

Delete a route

$ sudo route del -net 

You can also perform these changes with the ip command:

To add a route

$ ip route add via

To delete a route

$ ip route delete via
$ ip route delete


There are no exercises for this lesson but you can read more information on commands discussed here in the man pages

$ man route
$ man ip-route

Quiz Question

# What is the command flag to delete a route? > To delete a static route you can use the"set route. del" command or the "routes" CLI command. 1. [ ] setnet 2. [ ] droute 3. [ ] rm 4. [x] del

3. dhclient

Lesson Content

We’ve discussed DHCP before and most often you will never need to statically set your IP addresses, subnet masks, etc. Instead you’ll be using DHCP! The dhclient starts up on boot and gets a list of network interfaces from the dhclient.conf file. For each interface listed it tries to configure the interface using the DHCP protocol.

In the dhclient.leases file, dhclient keeps track of a list of leases across system reboots, after reading dhclient.conf, the dhclient.leases file is read to let it know what leases it’s already assigned.

To obtain a fresh IP

$ sudo dhclient


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Quiz Question

# What tries to assign IP addresses with the DHCP protocol? > DHCP runs at the application layer of the TCP/IP stack. It dynamically assigns IP addresses to DHCP clients and allocates TCP/IP configuration information to DHCP clients. This information includes subnet mask information, default gateway IP addresses and domain name system (DNS) addresses. 1. [ ] TCP 2. [ ] IPv4 3. [ ] dhcp 4. [x] dhclient

4. Network Manager

Lesson Content

Of course if you wanted to have your system’s networking up and running automatically there is something already in place for that. Most distributions utilize the NetworkManager daemon to configure their networks automatically.

You’ll notice NetworkManager in the form of an applet somewhere on your desktop taskbar if you are using a GUI. As you can see it manages your network’s hardware and connection information. For instance on startup, NetworkManager will gather network hardware information, search for connections to wireless, wired, etc. and then activates it.

There are also command-line tools to interact with NetworkManager:


nm-tools reports NetworkManager’s state and it’s devices

pete@icebox:/$ nm-tool
NetworkManager Tool

State: connected (global)

- Device: eth0  [Wired connection 1] -------------------------------------------
  Type:              Wired
  Driver:            pcnet32
  State:             connected
  Default:           yes
  HW Address:        12:3D:45:56:7D:CC

    Carrier Detect:  yes

  Wired Properties
    Carrier:         on

  IPv4 Settings:
    Prefix:          24 (



The nmcli command allows you to control and modify NetworkManager, see the manpage for more details.


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Quiz Question

# What is the command to view NetworkManager information? > The nm-tool utility provides information about NetworkManager, device, and wireless networks. 1. [ ] netmanager 2. [ ] netconfig 3. [ ] dhclient 4. [x] nm-tool

5. arp

Lesson Content

Remember when we lookup a MAC address with ARP, it first checks the locally stored ARP cache on our system, you can actually view this cache:

pete@icebox:~$ arp
Address                  HWtype  HWaddress           Flags Mask            Iface            ether   00:12:24:fc:12:cc   C                     eth0          ether   00:12:45:f2:84:64   C                     eth0

The ARP cache is actually empty when a machine boots up, it gets populated as packets are being sent to other hosts. If we send a packet to a destination that isn’t in the ARP cache, the following happens:

  1. The source host creates the Ethernet frame with an ARP request packet
  2. The source host broadcasts this frame to the entire network
  3. If one of the hosts on the network knows the correct MAC address, it will send a reply packet and frame containing the MAC address
  4. The source host adds the IP to MAC address mapping to the ARP cache and then proceeds with sending the packet

You can also view your arp cache via the ip command:

$ ip neighbour show


Observe what happens to your ARP cache when you reboot your machine and then do something on the network.

Quiz Question

# What command can you use to view your ARP cache? > To display the arp cache entry for a specific IP address, use `arp /a` with the inetaddr parameter, where inetaddr is an IP address. 1. [ ] showarp 2. [ ] arpcache 3. [ ] awk 4. [x] arp
Chapter 6

6. Troubleshooting

Learn about common networking tools to help you diagnose and troubleshoot issues!

Subsections of 6. Troubleshooting


Lesson Content

The Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) is part of the TCP/IP protocol suite, it used to send updates and error messages and is an extremely useful protocol used for debugging network issues such as a failed packet delivery.

Each ICMP message contains a type, code and checksum field. The type field is the type of ICMP message, the code is a sub-type and describes more information about the message and the checksum is used to detect any issues with the integrity of the message.

Let’s look at some common ICMP Types:

  • Type 0 - Echo Reply
  • Type 3 - Destination Unreachable
  • Type 8 - Echo Request
  • Type 11 - Time Exceeded

When a packet can’t get to a destination, Type 3 ICMP message is generated, within Type 3 there are 16 code values that will further describe why it can’t get to the destination:

  • Code 0 - Network Unreachable
  • Code 1 - Host Unreachable


These messages will make more sense as we use some network troubleshooting tools.


No exercises for this lesson.

Quiz Question

# What is the ICMP type for echo request? > Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) is one of the protocols of the TCP/IP suite. The ICMP echo request and the ICMP echo reply messages are commonly known as ping messages. 1. [ ] 1 2. [ ] 11 3. [ ] 3 4. [x] 8 5. [ ] 0

2. ping

Lesson Content

One of the most simplest networking tools ping, it’s used to test whether or not a packet can reach a host. It works by sending ICMP echo request (Type 8) packets to the destination host and waits for an ICMP echo reply (Type 0). Ping is successful when a host sends out the request packet and receives a response from the target. Let’s look at an example:

pete@icebox:~$ ping -c 3 www.google.com
PING www.google.com ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from nuq05s01-in-f16.1e100.net ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=128 time=29.0 ms
64 bytes from nuq05s01-in-f16.1e100.net ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=128 time=23.7 ms
64 bytes from nuq05s01-in-f16.1e100.net ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=128 time=15.1 ms

In this example, we are using ping to check if we can get to www.google.com. The -c flag (count) is used to stop sending echo request packets after the count has been reached.

The first part says that we are sending 64-byte packets to (google.com) and the rest show us the details of the trip. By default it sends a packet per second.


The icmp_seq field is used to show the sequence number of packets sent, so in this case, I sent out 3 packets and we can see that 3 packets made it back. If you do a ping and you get some sequence numbers missing, that means that some connectivity issue is happening and not all your packets are getting through. If the sequence number is out of order, your connection is probably very slow as your packets are exceeding the one second default.


The Time To Live (ttl) field is used as a hop counter, as you make hops, it decrements the counter by one and once the hop counter reaches 0, our packet dies. This is meant to give the packet a lifespan, we don’t want our packets travelling around forever.


The roundtrip time it took from you sending the echo request packet to getting an echo reply.


Do a ping on a website and look at the output you receive.

Quiz Question

# What is the roundtrip time unit of measurement? > Round-trip time (RTT) is the duration, measured in milliseconds, from when a browser sends a request to when it receives a response from a server. It's a key performance metric for web applications and one of the main factors, along with Time to First Byte (TTFB), when measuring page load time and network latency. 1. [ ] Ms 2. [ ] sec 3. [ ] seq 4. [x] ms

3. traceroute

Lesson Content

The traceroute command is used to see how packets are getting routed. It works by sending packets with increasing TTL values, starting with 1. So the first router gets the packet, and it decrements the TTL value by one, thus dropping the packet. The router sends back an ICMP Time Exceeded message back to us. And then the next packet gets a TTL of 2, so it makes it past the first router, but when it gets to the second router the TTL is 0 and it returns another ICMP Time Exceeded message. Traceroute works this way because as it sends and drops packets it is build a list of routers that the packets traverse, until it finally gets to its destination and gets an ICMP Echo Reply message.

Here’s a little snippet of a traceroute:

$ traceroute google.com                                                                          
traceroute to google.com (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets                          
 1 (  0.028 ms  0.009 ms  0.008 ms                                  
 2 (  1.227 ms  1.226 ms 0.920 ms
 3 (  1.501 ms 1.556 ms  0.855 ms                                                                        

Each line is a router or machine that is between me and my target. It shows the name of the target and its IP address and the last three columns correspond to the round-trip time of a packet to get to that router. By default, we send three packets along the route.


Run the traceroute command on your machine and observe the output.

Quiz Question

# What gets decremented by one when making hops across the network? > When an IP packet is sent, its TTL is usually 255 and is then decremented by 1 at each hop. If the TTL reaches 0, the packet is dropped. 1. [ ] icmp_seq 2. [ ] time 3. [ ] packet loss 4. [x] ttl

4. netstat

Lesson Content

Well Known Ports

We’ve discussed data transmission through ports on our machine, let’s look at some well known ports.

You can get a list of well-known ports by looking at the file /etc/services:

ftp             21/tcp
ssh             22/tcp
smtp            25/tcp 
domain          53/tcp  # DNS
http            80/tcp
https           443/tcp

The first column is the name of the service, then the port number and the transport layer protocol it uses.


An extremely useful tool to get detailed information about your network is netstat. Netstat displays various network related information such network connections, routing tables, information about network interfaces and more, it’s the swiss army knife of networking tools. We will focus mostly on one feature netstat has and that’s the status of network connections. Before we look at an example, let’s talk about sockets and ports first. A socket is an interface that allows programs to send and receive data while a port is used to identify which application should send or receive data. The socket address is the combination of the IP address and port. Every connection between a host and destination requires a unique socket. For example, HTTP is a service that runs on port 80, however we can have many HTTP connections and to maintain each connection a socket gets created per connection.

pete@icebox:~$ netstat -at
Active Internet connections (servers and established)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State      
tcp        0      0 icebox:domain           *:*                     LISTEN     
tcp        0      0 localhost:ipp           *:*                     LISTEN     
tcp        0      0 icebox.lan:44468       TIME_WAIT  
tcp        0      0 icebox.lan:34751       TIME_WAIT  
tcp        0      0 icebox.lan:34604        economy.canonical.:http TIME_WAIT  
tcp6       0      0 ip6-localhost:ipp       [::]:*                  LISTEN     
tcp6       1      0 ip6-localhost:35094     ip6-localhost:ipp       CLOSE_WAIT 
tcp6       0      0 ip6-localhost:ipp       ip6-localhost:35094     FIN_WAIT2

The netstat -a command shows the listening and non-listening sockets for network connections, the -t flag shows only tcp connections.

The columns are as follows from left to right:

  • Proto: Protocol used, TCP or UDP.
  • Recv-Q: Data that is queued to be received
  • Send-Q: Data that is queued to be sent
  • Local Address: Locally connected host
  • Foreign Address: Remotely connected host
  • State: The state of the socket

See the manpage for a list of socket states, but here are a few:

  • LISTENING: The socket is listening for incoming connections, remember when we make a TCP connection our destination has to be listening for us before we can connect.
  • SYN_SENT: The socket is actively attempting to establish a connection.
  • ESTABLISHED: The socket has an established connection
  • CLOSE_WAIT: The remote host has shutdown and we’re waiting for the socket to close
  • TIME_WAIT: The socket is waiting after close to handle packets still in the network


Look at the manpage for netstat and learn all the features it has to offer.

Quiz Question

# What port is used for HTTPS? > It is essential to know the difference between the two. HTTPS is secure and is on port 443, while HTTP is unsecured and available on port 80. Information that travels on the port 443 is encrypted using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) or its new version, Transport Layer Security (TLS) and hence safer. 1. [ ] 6969 2. [ ] 22 3. [ ] 80 4. [x] 443

5. Packet Analysis

Lesson Content

The subject of packet analysis could fill an entire course of its own and there are many books written just on packet analysis. However, today we will just learn the basics. There are two extremely popular packet analyzers, Wireshark and tcpdump. These tools scan your network interfaces, capture the packet activity, parse the packages and output the information for us to see. They allows us to get into the nitty gritty of network analysis and get into the low level stuff. We’ll be using tcpdump since it has a simpler interface, however if you were to pick up packet analysis for your toolbelt, I would recommend looking into Wireshark.

Install tcpdump

$ sudo apt install tcpdump

Capture packet data on an interface

pete@icebox:~$ sudo tcpdump -i wlan0
tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode
listening on wlan0, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 65535 bytes
11:28:23.958840 IP icebox.lan > nuq04s29-in-f4.1e100.net: ICMP echo request, id 1901, seq 2, length 64
11:28:23.970928 IP nuq04s29-in-f4.1e100.net > icebox.lan: ICMP echo reply, id 1901, seq 2, length 64
11:28:24.960464 IP icebox.lan > nuq04s29-in-f4.1e100.net: ICMP echo request, id 1901, seq 3, length 64
11:28:24.979299 IP nuq04s29-in-f4.1e100.net > icebox.lan: ICMP echo reply, id 1901, seq 3, length 64
11:28:25.961869 IP icebox.lan > nuq04s29-in-f4.1e100.net: ICMP echo request, id 1901, seq 4, length 64
11:28:25.976176 IP nuq04s29-in-f4.1e100.net > icebox.lan: ICMP echo reply, id 1901, seq 4, length 64
11:28:26.963667 IP icebox.lan > nuq04s29-in-f4.1e100.net: ICMP echo request, id 1901, seq 5, length 64
11:28:26.976137 IP nuq04s29-in-f4.1e100.net > icebox.lan: ICMP echo reply, id 1901, seq 5, length 64
11:28:30.674953 ARP, Request who-has tell ThePickleParty.lan, length 28
11:28:31.190665 IP ThePickleParty.lan.51056 > UDP, length 306

You’ll notice a lot of stuff happening when you run a packet capture, well that’s to be expected there’s a lot of network activity happening in the background. In my above example, I’ve taken only a snippet of my capture specifically the time when I decided to ping www.google.com.

Understanding the output

11:28:23.958840 IP icebox.lan > nuq04s29-in-f4.1e100.net: ICMP echo request, id 1901, seq 2, length 64
11:28:23.970928 IP nuq04s29-in-f4.1e100.net > icebox.lan: ICMP echo reply, id 1901, seq 2, length 64
  • The first field is a timestamp of the network activity
  • IP, this contains the protocol information
  • Next, you’ll see the source and destination address: icebox.lan > nuq04s29-in-f4.1e100.net
  • seq, this is the TCP packets’s starting and ending sequence number
  • length, length in bytes

As you can see from our tcpdump output, we are sending an ICMP echo request packet to www.google.com and getting an ICMP echo reply packet in return! Also note that different packets will output different information, refer to the manpage to see what those are.

Writing tcpdump output to a file

$ sudo tcpdump -w /some/file

Some final thoughts: we only scraped the surface of the subject of packet analysis. There is so much you can look at and we haven’t even touched upon going even deeper with Hex and ASCII output. There are plenty of resources online to help you learn more about packet analyzers and I urge you to find them!


Download and install the Wireshark tool and play around with the interface.

Quiz Question

# What is the flag to capture a specific interface with tcpdump? > - For each network interface, a number and an interface name, possibly followed by a text description of the interface, are printed. The interface name or the number can be supplied to the -i flag to specify an interface on which to capture. > - -c flag. To capture a certain number of frames and then exit, use the -c flag. Example usage: tcpdump will exit after capturing 100 frames by specifying -c 100 1. [ ] -tcpd 2. [ ] -n 3. [ ] -c 4. [x] -i
Chapter 7

7. DNS

Everything and more that you wanted to know about DNS.

Subsections of 7. DNS

1. What Is DNS?

Lesson Content

Imagine if every time you wanted to do a search on Google you had to type in instead of www.google.com. Well without DNS (“Domain Name System”) that’s exactly what would happen. Low level networking only understands the raw IP address to identify a host. DNS allows us humans to keep track of websites and hosts by name instead of an IP address. It’s like a contact list for the Internet. If you know someone’s name but don’t know their phone number, you can simply look it up in your contacts list.

DNS is fundamentally a distributed database of hostnames to IP addresses, we manage our database so people know how to get to our site/domain, and somewhere else another person is managing their database so others can get to their domain. These domains are then able to talk to each other and build a massive contact list of the Internet.

In this course, we will go over some basics of DNS, but be wary that DNS is an exhaustive topic and if you really want to get down and dirty with it, you’ll need to do some additional research.


No exercises for this lesson.

Quiz Question

# True or false, DNS helps us find MAC addresses for hostnames? > Host Name is the same as and also can be referred to as Computer Name. Physical Address or MAC Address: Locate Physical Address. Physical address is the same as and also can be referred to as MACAddress. 1. [ ] true 2. [x] false

2. DNS Components

Lesson Content

The DNS database of the Internet relies on sites and organizations providing part of that database. To do that, they need:

Name Server

We setup DNS via “name servers”, the name servers load up our DNS settings and configs and answers any questions from clients or other servers that want to know things like “Who is google.com?”. If the name server doesn’t know the answer to that query, it will redirect the request to other name servers. Name servers can be “authoritative”, meaning they hold the actual DNS records that you’re looking for, or “recursive” meaning they would ask other servers and those servers would ask other servers until they found an authoritative server that contained the DNS records. Recursive servers can also have the information we want cached instead of reaching an authoritative server.

Zone File

Inside a name server lives something called zone files. Zone files are how the name server stores information about the domain or how to get to the domain if it doesn’t know.

Resource Records

A zone file is comprised of entries of resource records. Each line is a record and contains information about hosts, nameservers, other resources, etc. The fields consist of the following:

  • Record name
  • TTL - The time after which we discard the record and obtain a new one, in DNS TTL is denoted by time, so records could have a TTL of one hour. The reason we do this is because the Internet is constantly changing, one minute a host can be mapped to X IP address then next it can be at Y IP address
  • Class - Namespace of the record information, most commonly IN is used for Internet
  • Type - Type of information stored in the record data. We won’t get into record types, but you’ve probably seen common ones like A for address, MX or mail exchanger, etc.
  • Data - This field can contain an IP address if it’s an A record or something else depending on the record type.
patty    IN  A 


No exercises for this lesson.

Quiz Question

# What resource record type is used for mail exchangers? > A DNS 'mail exchange' (MX) record directs email to a mail server. The MX record indicates how email messages should be routed in accordance with the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP, the standard protocol for all email). Like CNAME records, an MX record must always point to another domain. 1. [ ] TXT 2. [ ] WKS 3. [ ] HINFO 4. [x] MX

3. DNS Process

Lesson Content

Let’s look at an example of how your host finds a domain (catzontheinterwebz.com) with DNS. Essentially, we funnel our way down until we reach the DNS server that knows of that domain.

Local DNS Server

First our host asks, “Where is catzontheinterwebz.com?”, our local DNS server doesn’t know so it goes and starts from the top of the funnel to ask the Root Servers. Keep in mind that our host is not making these requests to find catzontheinterwebz.com directly, most users talk to a recursive DNS server provided by their ISPs and that server is then tasked to find the location of catzontheinterwebz.com.

Root Servers

There are 13 Root Servers for the Internet, they are mirrored and distributed around the world to handle DNS requests for the Internet, so there are really hundreds of servers that are working, they are controlled by different organizations and they contain information about Top-Level Domains. Top-level domains are what you know as .org, .com, .net, etc addresses. So the Root Server doesn’t know where catzontheinterwebz.com is, so it tells us ask the .com Top-Level Domain DNS Server at an IP address it gives us.

Top-Level Domain

So now we send another request to the name server that knows about “.com” addresses and asks if it knows where catzontheinterwebz.com is? The TLD doesn’t have the catzontheinterwebz.com in their zone files, but it does see a record for the name server for catzontheinterwebz.com. So it gives us the IP address of that name server and tells us to look there.

Authoritative DNS Server

Now we send a final request to the DNS server that actually has the record we want. The name server sees that it has a zone file for catzontheinterwebz.com and there is a resource record for ‘www’ for this host. It then gives us the IP address of this host and we can finally see some cats on the Internet.


No exercises for this lesson.

Quiz Question

# What is the abbreviation for the nameservers where .com, .net, .org, etc addresses are found? > TLD server: These nameservers are located one level beneath root servers on the DNS hierarchy. The information for all domain names sharing a common domain extension (.com, . net, . org, etc.) is maintained by a TLD nameserver. 1. [ ] root 2. [ ] DNS 3. [ ] subdomain 4. [x] TLD

4. /etc/hosts

Lesson Content

Before our machine actually hits DNS to do a query, it first looks locally on our machines.


The /etc/hosts file contains mappings of some hostnames to IP addresses. The fields are pretty self explanatory, there is one for the IP address, the hostname and then any alias’s for the host.

pete@icebox:~$ cat /etc/hosts       localhost       icebox

You’ll typically see your localhost address listed as a default in this file. You can also manage access to hosts by modifying the /etc/hosts.deny or /etc/hosts.allow files. However, if you were security conscientious, this isn’t really the way to go and you should be modifying your firewall rules instead.

Let’s see a fun example of /etc/hosts. Modify the file and add a line for:  www.google.com

Save the file and now go to www.google.com. Having issues aren’t you? Well that’s because we just mapped www.google.com to a completely wrong IP address. Since our hosts first look locally for IP address mappings, it never reaches DNS to find google.com.


Traditionally, we’ve used a file called /etc/resolv.conf to map DNS name servers for more efficient lookups, however with the improvements made to DNS this file is quite often irrelevant, in fact, you can see in my example below that /etc/resolv.conf isn’t managed manually. Refer to your distribution specific settings to manage DNS name server mappings.

conf(5) file for glibc resolver(3) generated by resolvconf(8)
search localdomain


No exercises for this lesson.

Quiz Question

# What file is used to map hostnames to IP addresses on our machines? > The hosts file (also referred to as etc\hosts) is a text file used by operating systems including windows to map IP addresses to host names/domain names. 1. [ ] /etc/maphost 2. [ ] /etc/hostmap 3. [ ] /etc/dns 4. [x] /etc/hosts

5. DNS Setup

Lesson Content

We won’t got through setting up a DNS server, as that would be quite a lengthy tutorial. Instead here is a quick comparison list of the popular DNS servers to use with Linux.


The most popular DNS server on the Internet, it’s the standard that is used with Linux distributions. It was originally developed at the University of California at Berkeley hence the name BIND (Berkeley Internet Name Domain). If you need full-featured power and flexibility, you can’t go wrong with BIND.


Lightweight and much easier to configure than BIND. If you want simplicity and don’t need all the bells and whistles of BIND, use DNSmasq. It comes with all the tools you need to setup DHCP and DNS, recommended for a smaller network.


Full-featured and similar to BIND, it offers you a little bit more flexibility with options. It reads information from multiple databases such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc. for easier administration. Just because BIND has been the way we do things, it doesn’t mean it has to stay that way.

This isn’t a complete list, but it should give you an idea of where to look if you are setting up your own DNS server.


No exercises for this lesson.

Quiz Question

# What is the de facto DNS server for Linux? > BIND is the de facto standard DNS server. It is a free software product and is distributed with most Unix and Linux platforms, where it is most often also referred to as named (name daemon). 1. [ ] GNU DNS 2. [ ] DNS 3. [ ] TIE 4. [x] BIND

6. DNS Tools

Lesson Content


The “name server lookup” tool is used to query name servers to find information about resource records. Let’s find where the name server for google.com is:

pete@icebox:~$ nslookup www.google.com

Non-authoritative answer:
Name:   www.google.com


Dig (domain information groper) is a powerful tool for getting information about DNS name servers, it is more flexible than nslookup and great for troubleshooting DNS issues.

pete@icebox:~$ dig www.google.com

; <<>> DiG 9.9.5-3-Ubuntu <<>> www.google.com
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 42376
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 5, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; MBZ: 0005 , udp: 512
;www.google.com.                        IN      A

www.google.com.         5       IN      A
www.google.com.         5       IN      A
www.google.com.         5       IN      A
www.google.com.         5       IN      A
www.google.com.         5       IN      A

;; Query time: 27 msec
;; WHEN: Sun Feb 07 10:14:00 PST 2016
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 123


Read up on the manpage for dig.

Quiz Question

# What tool is used to get detailed information about DNS name servers? > The dig command in Linux is used to gather DNS information. It stands for Domain Information Groper, and it collects data about Domain Name Servers. The dig command is helpful for troubleshooting DNS problems, but is also used to display DNS information. 1. [ ] get 2. [ ] fetch 3. [ ] dump 4. [x] dig


Congratulations on completing your Let’s Learn Linux course! This is a momentous achievement that deserves to be celebrated. I wanted to take a moment to express how incredibly proud I am of you and the dedication you have shown throughout this journey.

Learning Linux is no small feat. It requires determination, perseverance, and a genuine passion for understanding the intricacies of this powerful operating system. You have embraced the challenges, overcome obstacles, and expanded your knowledge in ways that will undoubtedly shape your future.

Beyond the technical skills you have acquired, completing this course reflects your unwavering commitment to personal growth and self-improvement. You have demonstrated a thirst for knowledge, a hunger for new challenges, and a willingness to step outside of your comfort zone. These qualities will undoubtedly serve you well in all aspects of your life.

Your unwavering dedication has not only impressed me but also inspired me. Your passion for learning and your willingness to push yourself beyond boundaries are truly commendable.

As you move forward from this accomplishment, remember that learning is a lifelong journey. The skills you have acquired during this Linux course are just the beginning. Linux is a vast and ever-evolving field, and I have no doubt that you will continue to thrive and grow within it.

But don’t forget to celebrate this milestone! Take a moment to reflect on how far you have come and the obstacles you have overcome. Allow yourself to bask in the satisfaction of a job well done, for you have earned every bit of it.

Congratulations once again, Your determination, hard work, and unwavering commitment have paid off. I cannot wait to see where your Linux journey takes you next. Remember that We are always here to if you want to refresh your memory and to support and cheer you on.

Wishing you continued success and fulfillment in all your future endeavors.

With heartfelt congratulations,